Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 16

Weird dreams last night... and I didn't get to sleep all the way since my mom decided to set an alarm for 6am on one of those traditional, loud, clanging alarms. FML.

Got beaten up during sales meeting. My boss basically told me that I am not trying and even insulted me in the most subtle ways that you cannot imagine. I was ready to tell him that I am done. He was supposed to speak to me about the shit with the crazy customer yesterday, but he ended up having no time to. Halelujah?

I'm feeling very odd today... many thoughts are running through my head. Do I like routine or should I keep changing up my life? Do I really want the nice, stable and set lives that my friends or peers have just because it looks nice? I dunno. I seriously dunno at this point. All I know is at this point, I cannot afford to have any permanent fixtures in my life, lest I depending on them. I cannot depend on them because if they are ever taken away, just like a pillar being pulled away from a building, parts of my life may come tumbling down and I would have to rebuild it again.

I think for now... I just need to keep moving. I should not stop moving. I need a new job. I think there was a reason I changed jobs once a year, other than the fact that the companies were moving. I can't stand being in the same stagnant environments. I like being new and learning things all over? I like having a fresh start... it's as addictive as a new romance. Life would be so much easier if you could always hit the reboot button, and nothing would be left from the past... even those incriminating files you might have left behind, forgotten, in Recycle Bin.

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