Thursday, May 31, 2007

Maroon 5-ee-aa-ee-aaiii...

I am so, so, so hooked to this song now... I love the retro feel to it... and the chorus is just so... scream worthy...

Maroon 5 ~ Makes Me Wonder

The bit where he gets 'searched' by the hot 'airport officials'... I think that's like every guy's fantasy... ^_^

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Moving Rubber...

After overdosing on Kimutaku's ads... I HAD to make sure he didn't do those dorky ads in vain. So I went out and bought meself a mini Moving Rubber today for only RM6.90... TADAAAA!!!

Another thing that's very overdue is my third piercing on the left ears... once again... TADAAAA!!!! Ya dig? Too funky for ya monkey? :P Don't I have beautiful ears???

I have other overdue pics to share too... most important being the ones I took on my trip to Dresden. Will try to fit that into my packed schedule this weekend ^_^

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


OMG!!! Gatsby's ads are just too crazy... look what they did to my Takuya Kimura... hehehe! But he's still cute... older... gayer... but still adorable ^^p

I can imagine 2 Korean guys doing these ads... Hee Chul or Yoo Chun... cos they both look the part... and they're both seriously as dorky and yet charismatic as Takuya is!!! ^_^

For more info on Gatsby's products... visit


Kimura Takuya - Coming Soon! ( Gatsby )
Uploaded by Raito

Was that supposed to be some kinda water ballet, but without water? Hehehe!

Wish I could twirl my hair like that!!! Hehehe! I like the end bit... smooshing his face... ^_^


Could you really get high like that when sniffing deodorant? Hehehe!


Uploaded this version because it's the full version where you can see ALL his dorkiness... hehe!!! Bear with the basketball bit at the beginning... The part where he sticks his tongue out at the Harry Potter lookalike... priceless... ^_^