Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Feeling odd today. I started my morning fine. I got the morning bit right. Ate breakfast on the way to bus stop so that I’ll feel comfortable by the time I got on the bus. Managed to get a decent nap on the way to the office, and started my day at the office on a comfortable note. By lunch time I was feeling crappy… lunch was alright, yet another treat from a colleague… but when I got back to office the feeling started again.

At some point, I started to feel a rush of all the emotions and depression I’ve had in the past year. It could be that blank text message I got this morning. After 6 months and he’s still at it… or it could be the text messages I got few days ago, which just feels foreign and surreal. Both are pasts that I wish I can move on from… especially when none of them promises me any happiness. I don’t know why the fuck would I even be thinking of these things now. Maybe I’m just tired from having to adjust to the new sleeping and waking hours. I call it my ‘new time zone’; even said that to my boss.

I kinda regret staying on at my last job for so long and not taking my break. But nothing can compensate for the money I will get from the extra days. Hopefully CNY will be a good break. That… and this coming weekend. I think I really need to practice some discipline and go to bed at 11pm sharp each night.

I remember the days where I just hopped out of bed when the alarm rang. I think the past few months have taken their toll on me and I am suffering as a result from the spillover of stress, coupled with the stress of delivering at my new job. Sure… there are no longer sales targets to meet, but already I have been given some tasks that I must try to achieve by the end of February. I hope to at least achieve that expectation my boss has set, better yet if I can exceed it, because that’s what I think he expects. Once again I have given people the impression that they can sort of expect magic from me… the wonderful things I manage to say during interviews.

Maybe I just need to exercise more… will do that once my schedule stabilizes. My sister thinks that I just need to have some mindless sexy time. WTF…

I have no more room to wonder in life... it's do or die now... and I refuse to die anymore :(

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Leessang: He who sings the truths...

I'm gonna take a break from whining about my pathetic life and blog about a duo who achieved fame by singing about those familiar dark moments.

The name of this duo is Leessang. I have only known 2 songs by them, and I realised that they have a pattern. First and foremost, I'd like you to listen to these 2 songs:


The Girl Who Can't Break Up, The Boy Who Can't Leave

Each song has a focal point, which is of course the chorus. The chorus usually sings the main message of the song and this part is usually done by a female singer with whom they will collaborate for the song. Leessang will sing and rap the other bits, which usually makes up the elaborations of the main message of the song, describing all the nitty-gritty details, describing plainly the situations in relationships that we all know so well. If you pay attention to the songs, you will find at some point, you have been in this situation. This is why I find their songs to be extremely forward and truthful. These are reasons why I truly appreciate their songs, even though I only know 2 of them at the moment.

On top of the songs, there are the extremely poignant MVs, where they try to artistically bring the lyrics to life. I find that they like the tableu kind of presentation. It always seems staged; with masks, costumes and makeup. The MV for 'Ballerino' was kinda creepy, but I think it very accurately conveyed the desperation of a man. The MV for 'The Girl Who Can't Break Up, The Boy Who Can't Leave' accurately shows you the phases of a relationship; how it began light and happy and how chasing dreams has changed a couple.

'The Girl Who Can't Break Up, The Boy Who Can't Leave' is one of my favourite songs, simply for the title alone. I think it accurately describes how people cannot give up their relationships with certain people, no matter how hopeless it seems. Being afraid to break up for the fear of being alone. Being afraid to leave for the fact you feel responsible and tied to a person, or simply because you feel you've put too much effort into something. These are all facts of life.

I hope you enjoyed my quick review of Leessang... haha! :D Most importantly, enjoy the music :)