Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Upgrade to v28.0

Sleepless night~ maybe the ongoing age upgrade made me restless last night. It funny how a significant day in your life can be a turning point just like that. The events of yesterday leading up till today made me realise a lot of things.

It's been a long year. It passed by quickly, but so much has happened, and I have achieved and done so much in this short time. However in all the glitter of my small achievements, there are those moments and things that still weigh me down, like finding lumps of coal in your Christmas stocking. But if I were to reflect on my year, I'd say I did pretty well:

1. I have a stable albeit questionably shitty job that pays adequately.
Note that I used 'adequate' because I don't think I'm being paid well enough for the things I have to put up with or if I compared my salary to my colleagues'.

2. I've completed 1 year of Korean lessons.
TOPIK cert in my hands now, but I'm not happy with the results. I feel I can keep doing better, and even though I have stopped going to classes, I feel that I am working on it and improving slowly. My goal now is to improve in terms of speaking Korean. Need to figure out how though :(

3. I went to Korea
1 really big dream fulfilled. Realised it's not so difficult to go there in the first place. So much that I am planning to go again next year, every year, if possible. Sure... I'll probably just spend my days there shopping and catching up with friends, but I feel great just doing that :)

4. Started dancing again
Popping is really not my forte, but I am seriously considering on taking up Popping II. I really need to buck up and master all those basics :( Then I should also take up some other genre. Whaacking? Krumping? No matter how everything changes in my life, I still find joy in music and dance. I should definitely try to maintain this in my life.

5. Made new friends
While I still question the existence of some of these people in my life, I'm pretty happy to have the rest around me. There are the eclectic few with whom I share a great connection with, and I am glad they are my friends now. Even though we've not known each other for long, they are now a big part of me.

6. Figured out a new way to earn $$
There were many times I wished that I had that extra $100, but it cannot be possible without a part time job or winning the lottery. I finally found something I could do to earn that money. Teach Korean. I can hear all those native Korean teachers pooh-pooh-ing me for this, and even those students who would snub me because I am a local. But I feel that me having found an effective way to learn Korean and translating it to something that local students can understand is valuable. During my Korean classes, there were so many times I felt the teacher was unable to explain something adequately due to the language and cultural barrier. However due to my interest in the language, I eventually found a way to understand and explain things to myself. These methods are what I believe can help me teach those who want to learn from me.

7. I have awesome friends and family
My girls more than 300km away from me. No matter what happens, I know they love me and have my back. Just wished we were a little closer. My family isn't perfect, but its a blessing to have them always. Even when they make me wanna tear out my hair.

In the year ahead, I think I am still looking for the same things. To earn more $$$, to have someone to love, and to keep chasing my dreams of mastering the Korean language and perhaps move to another country... I really hope the year ahead will keep changing for the better...

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