Thursday, December 01, 2011

Another (bad) habit?

I think it would be unfair to just pass it off as my habit... I get sick of a job within 1 year?

What I'm about to say, I think that people are just gonna say "Who doesn't go through that?", but it's still a real condition. Perhaps I am not like every person I know, and have the tenacity to put up with a job that doesn't seem to be fulfilling them. But rather than write myself off as having a lack of will power, staying power, fighting spirit, I prefer to think that perhaps I am just not assigned tasks that suit my strength.

Granted everyone can't be just doing something they are good at. Sometimes you're assigned something you're not particularly good at too, and you just brave it like you should because you get paid at the end of each month. I do that too, but I wish I was given more tasks are are up my alley as well. Something worthwhile, where I can really contribute. Sadly, there is no such role at the moment. Each day that I spend being an insignificant member on my team is taking a toll on my spirit.

Sometimes I wish I didn't need to work simply because I don't like the people I have to deal with. On other days,I wish I was passionate about what I do. I wish that I had a sense of fulfillment from what I did each day during my 8.5 hours in this concrete building. There are those days where I work past my 8.5 hours with a solid purpose,and it made me feel purposeful. I've known always that I am totally capable of being a workaholic. I just need to be given a mission. Why won't someone give me a mission?

The attitude in the workplace is such that people just try to complete what is on their plate, and that's that. Anyone who ventures out to continue filling their plate would be seen as abnormal. Doing so would also invite trouble, or what people would usually say "picking up shit". I'll admit I could be more proactive and try much harder to master what I do now, it's like... even if I read all the scriptures in the library, it's not gonna turn me into a Buddha. In the end, it's all up to fate, luck and opportunity.

For now, my goal is to complete the year, then maybe consider my next step. To stay on would mean having to speak to my boss to redefine my purpose on this team. But to leave would be too soon as I would still be seen as too 'green' to go anywhere. While people wish to stop living like nomads, I'd say I want to stop working like a nomad. Will I ever find something I truly love that makes me contented.

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