All this negativity is really bringing me down... I asked for some time off, and people immediately assume I'm giving up. Maybe after all that everyone's been saying, I might just give up so that they can get the satisfaction of being right.
"Why are you still sick?" they ask...
Well... first of all... I never get to rest in peace. I blame myself for having a conscience. I worry too much about how people get by or how people will complain when I disappear. Even know sometimes I say "fuck it" and just leave, I feel bad, and it just ends up with me not having a restful time off. If only I didn't have a conscience and a heart :(
"Just disappear for a week, then come back and pick up the pieces"
This is not what I like to do. I'd like to leave knowing everything is in place and will be in place when I come back cos it would kill me to have to clean up when I get back. I'd just go back to square one. This would happen only in my dreams. I feel trapped by my responsibilities, and no one wants to help me with them. Sure there are some people helping out, but they only want to do it to a certain extent.
Yes... this is my shit... this is really my problem. I promised I'd stick it through, and I am finding ways to make things more bearable for me, but how long can I really keep doing this? With people reminding me each day that I can't do it, and telling me that I'm not helping myself when I'm already trying my hardest. I am really not getting the support I need in order to stand on my own 2 feet again.
My bf has now volunteered to help me get things in order. It's fortunate that he's available for the next few months to help me out, but I don't really like the attitude of people who
a) doubt his abilities
b) wanting to drop all their responsibilities and leave now that someone is here to help
It's only temporary. I fully expect everyone to still stick around and work with him. He's doing it because he sees that we need some help to fix things.
Because of our past relationship issues, some people may still see him as a shitty boyfriend to me, but after he'd told me he was gonna help me, I realised that all those past unhappiness, squabbles and etc. don't matter anymore. The fact that he has stepped up when it mattered most is clear that I mean enough to him to go an extra mile for me. Sometimes I really need to get over myself. I'm oversensitive when it comes to him, and I do ask for too much (sometimes). He's a good person, and he has proven it time and time again. I'm such a greedy bitch ^_^
So where do we go from here? I'm gonna stick it out for the rest of the year... until the business is 1 year old. Then we're gonna reevaluate the whole business and see if we can sell or if we need to keep at it for awhile more. My bf and I plan to revamp the entire operations, and hopefully things will improve from here. I can't wait... it's gonna be a whole lot of work, but I'm happy someone is here to get it done with me... *bliss*
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Really don't understand...
I got home at 6pm+ today and decided to get some shut-eye before my dance class at 8. My mom walks in and asks me why I'm home early... duuuhh...
1. I did tell everyone I'm gonna cut down my working hours until I'm better
2. I need to rest or relax so that I can heal.
She said... I should be working at the shop instead of coming home early to loaf... which part of point 1 or 2 does she not get? I realised that since I gave myself the flexibility to leave my shop earlier to do whatever I wanted to, my health has improved rather quickly. This means that it was definitely the work stress getting to me. My cousin is abandoning the shop to work for his father starting next month, just the thought of having 1 less person to depend on and possibly having to work my full hours again is really scaring me.
I just wanna enjoy the free time I have now... catching up on sleep, being a couch potato, spending more time with my darling... and of course catching up with my friends and having time to blog, write and dance... is that too much to ask? I just wanna be healthy again. Why can't she understand that for me to get healthy again, I need space and time... T_T FML...
My dance teacher made a very flattering proposal today. I'm asked to join her team for a performance at Arena this Friday for some Guinness event. I don't feel ready. I learnt more than half the dance an hour ago... I hardly remember the sequence now. I don't think I'll be adequately prepared, and I don't wanna suck. Maybe next time :(
Meanwhile... I love Tae Goon's new song, Betrayed :D The MV kinda reminds me of Wheesung's Insomnia, but I still love it :D He's much slimmer and taller... yummy!! :D
1. I did tell everyone I'm gonna cut down my working hours until I'm better
2. I need to rest or relax so that I can heal.
She said... I should be working at the shop instead of coming home early to loaf... which part of point 1 or 2 does she not get? I realised that since I gave myself the flexibility to leave my shop earlier to do whatever I wanted to, my health has improved rather quickly. This means that it was definitely the work stress getting to me. My cousin is abandoning the shop to work for his father starting next month, just the thought of having 1 less person to depend on and possibly having to work my full hours again is really scaring me.
I just wanna enjoy the free time I have now... catching up on sleep, being a couch potato, spending more time with my darling... and of course catching up with my friends and having time to blog, write and dance... is that too much to ask? I just wanna be healthy again. Why can't she understand that for me to get healthy again, I need space and time... T_T FML...
My dance teacher made a very flattering proposal today. I'm asked to join her team for a performance at Arena this Friday for some Guinness event. I don't feel ready. I learnt more than half the dance an hour ago... I hardly remember the sequence now. I don't think I'll be adequately prepared, and I don't wanna suck. Maybe next time :(
Meanwhile... I love Tae Goon's new song, Betrayed :D The MV kinda reminds me of Wheesung's Insomnia, but I still love it :D He's much slimmer and taller... yummy!! :D
Friday, September 18, 2009
The big 'D' has reared it's ugly head :P
I hate having to report this... and I know I have never mentioned this much on my blog. But I think I need an outlet now... and this is the best place... where my friends can read what's going on with my life... and I know that in a way, I am being heard.
Before I start telling my long, long story... I have a few people I'd like to mention. Felicia, Kai Ling, Elaine and Eng Wei... thank you for talking to me. You don't don't know how all those times you spent listening to my cry, rant and complained have kept me together all this time. Lu and Mei Zee, I know you girls are busy, and I know you're both equally concerned about me. Thank you for caring :) My sister. We don't always see eye to eye, and I know you think I'm an air-headed flooze, but you will love me, and hug me when I need a person to cry to. I wuv you! My baby... you don't read my blog, but I want you to know that I really appreciate it when you try. You make me so happy even when it's just remembering to give me a smooch over the phone in the morning. Knowing that you are trying for us just keeps me going :D
First of all... what has happened? How did I get into this shit again? Sometimes... I really have no one to blame but myself. I overthink, I worry, I torture myself over the littlest things I've done that I think might have been mistakes... worst of all, I can just let things go, I can't just let things be. I'm impulsive by nature. Everyone who knows me knows that. While it's a useful trait sometimes, it's what causes me most of my troubles in other times.
So... for the past few days, I've been waking up at 8, on the dot, each morning. I didn't set an alarm. It's just automatic. I'd feel sick, tired, and I just can't explain the feeling of discontent or whatever it is. No amount of tossing and turning can fix it. So what did I do this morning? I woke up, made myself a drink, and tried to get myself to go wash up. But I was too tired. So I just tried to sleep for a bit more. I vomited twice, or was it 3 times. Same thing yesterday. I had to find someway to expel the accumulation of acid in my stomach, and I really can't see any other way. Don't worry... I'm not becoming bullimic.
Went to my mom before I went to work, and we had a talk. For once, she was supportive of the way I wanted to deal with my illness. I said I might see the doctor next week if I don't get better, and she agreed. In the past, she'd tell me to just pull myself together and get over it, but I guess maybe, after her own near breakdown episode, she realised that sometimes you just need help. You can't help being sick. I spoke to my aunt yesterday. She's a nurse in Australia. She explained to me that being depressed is not a mere problem of 'weak mind'. It's mostly because my brain may be lacking a certain enzyme that helps me deal with my stress, and because of that, I break down, because I can't handle it. In my case, my stomach is affected, and in turn it affects my appetite, my emotions, and my ability to function each day. Most people here would just tell you that you are not doing enough to make yourself happy, you're not trying not to think about the stuff that make you unhappy. Well... sometimes, I just get unhappy without thinking. It's like a switch. It turns on by itself, when I least expect it. I could be fine and happy now, and totally bothered and down within the next 5 minutes. I try cheering myself up, reminding myself that everything is fine, telling myself to relax and just let things unfold on their own... let life progress as it would... that I cannot control everything... not everything is supposed to go the way I want it to... sometimes this isn't enough.
I guess talking to people helps. But I can't be dependent on that. I need to learn to be alone with myself, my own thoughts... I'm too dependent on people. I know I am too dependent on my boyfriend... of course my girlfriends would support me and call him a jerk for not wanting to spend more time with me, but to be honest, he does. It's just that I expect him to spend every free minute with me, which is really irrational of me. He works so hard each day, he has his own truckload of issues, and the fact that he'd take a few evenings off each week, when he has no off days, to be with me, and listen to me talk about my issues; I think this is proof enough that he is trying to be there for me. He can't always answer my calls, or reply my texts, but as long as he remembers that he has a girlfriend, and finds time to make sure I'm well, shouldn't I be happy. He always asks me to inform him wherever I am, or just let him know what I'm doing. Even if he doesn't reply, I know that he cares, cos that's why he's asking me to tell him. I'm not settling for crumbs. I don't think I have even been one who settled for crumbs. If he ever starts to under-appreciate me, or god-forbid, ever betrays me... it would be so over. I may be nice, but I'm not a pushover.
Speaking of betrayal... back to my conversation with my mom. She thinks that maybe the business is too much for me, and she said that if it ever gets unbearable, I can always tell her, and we can look for ways to sell it, and I can find something else to do. My mother is giving me a chance to run away. Just as I have with all my other jobs. It's comforting to know that she would let me do this, but I think for now, I want to continue doing this, because I know I can. I just need to worry less about work. I think I do work hard enough... I just need to learn that I am allowed to take a break, especially when I'm sick. So for the next few weeks, I'm cutting back my working hours. I might even take a day off. I really need to learn to let go, and that I can't control everything :(
My mom also said something else. I love her for being worried about me, but sometimes, she should just keep these thoughts to herself. All my close friends know that my bf is younger than I am. Not just 1 or 2 years, but 5 years. But does age really matter? Sure he has some growing up to do, I've done my bit of growing up, but there is no reason to not be with someone just because they're not fully-developed :P To be honest, I don't think I'm all that mature either, and it's what makes us compatible... I think he has a much more mature take on life, while I have more knowledge on work, career and some other stuff... we help each other like that. He has made me a more giving person. I can admit that I used to be really selfish. It's always about how I felt and how I wanted things to be, and even though I do still act like that sometimes, but I realised that I'm doing it less these days. All the things I'm going through has made me a little more aware of people around me. Of course he still gets the bulk of my affection and consideration, I'm learning to give a little of it to others... bit by bit.
The other thing she said... she was worried he'd cheat on me and leave me for someone else, because he's young and good-looking. Yes... roll your eyes and say "What?" :P Everyone who knows him tells me he's never cheated, he's always been devoted. My mom said that it's because no girl has come onto him yet. That got me thinking. He's really courteous to strangers. It does worry me sometimes that he'd give other girls the wrong idea. But he's told me time and time again... he never looks at anyone else. He thinks that girls these days just want a man with money. True... money he hasn't got a lot of now... but some girls are willing to settle for a guy with a secure job and wait for him to get rich, and it really doesn't hurt that he's such a looker. He thinks that girls these days aren't so patient. Sometimes I feel that he's just comforting me, or lying to himself :P To the public, I think that most people feel that he is doing well, and hence, the bees may just decide to come to the honey. Yes... situations may change people... maybe being exposed to the public where he is working now will change him, but I believe that love and loyalty will keep us together. If there is anything he hates, is being betrayed. So even if the hottest, most echanting girl should come onto him, I trust him to remember that he loves me, has me, and all the things we've been through together is not worth giving up over some slut :P Sure I'm always gonna worry... but if everyone worried like my mom does, and avoid relationships with people or dump people before they get a chance to be dumped, there'll be no more couples left in this world, who's gonna get married? There'll be no more romance in this world T_T A friend of mine posted on Facebook "To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing." I totally agree... So... if the worse ever happens, I can only tell myself that it was not meant to be, and I can always do better. Right? I think I'm still pretty hot ^_^
But... thank you Mom for being there for me today... and for supporting me... I love you. You really need to stop worrying about me and my bf, and you need to stop planting seeds of doubt in my head. Already I'm always so worried about everything, it's really not helping that you tell me such negative what-ifs. Soooo not helping. I wish you could take back these words... :( I wish you could just be happy that I am happy now, and just let me live my life. At least my personal life...
I think I just have a lot of issues... and I always expect things to get better by tomorrow. That's why I always feel dejected when things have not improved, be it my love life, or work life, or even this illness. There is truth in the phrase "just take things easy". I hate it when people tell me that, as if it were a cure-all, but in a way, I do need to take it easy, and let things work out on their own. My relationship with my bf is not gonna improve if I don't learn that everyone needs space and some time alone, and my work life is not gonna improve if I don't learn that I don't have to tie myself to the shop and feel responsible for everything that happens.
I tell everyone that I don't give a damn each day, but I do. I tell everyone that I'll be here to take over everything the day everyone quits, but I'm deathly afraid of when that day comes. This shop was my dad's dream, because he wanted to keep our family together, I guess that's why I feel obligated to keep doing this, not matter how difficult it will become. I need to survive. If I've bounced back before, I am gonna bounce back again. I just need time, and I need to give myself time.
So for now... just lots of deep breaths and positive thinking. There are many things looking up for me, I just need to learn to appreciate them as they come. Really looking forward to see Kai Ling & Hazel next week :D I hope you girls make it. Can't wait to give you both big, big hugs :D
I LOVE YOU ALL... I REALLY DO... I'm sorry if I have ever seemed distant or as if I've forgotten my friends. I do think of you, but I just never really found the time or made the effort to show it. Bad of me... but... :( Yea... I'm bad... but you love me still :D Hehe! Right?
P.S. Thanks Dad for always giving me everything. But you really need to stop being biased. I love you too!
Before I start telling my long, long story... I have a few people I'd like to mention. Felicia, Kai Ling, Elaine and Eng Wei... thank you for talking to me. You don't don't know how all those times you spent listening to my cry, rant and complained have kept me together all this time. Lu and Mei Zee, I know you girls are busy, and I know you're both equally concerned about me. Thank you for caring :) My sister. We don't always see eye to eye, and I know you think I'm an air-headed flooze, but you will love me, and hug me when I need a person to cry to. I wuv you! My baby... you don't read my blog, but I want you to know that I really appreciate it when you try. You make me so happy even when it's just remembering to give me a smooch over the phone in the morning. Knowing that you are trying for us just keeps me going :D
First of all... what has happened? How did I get into this shit again? Sometimes... I really have no one to blame but myself. I overthink, I worry, I torture myself over the littlest things I've done that I think might have been mistakes... worst of all, I can just let things go, I can't just let things be. I'm impulsive by nature. Everyone who knows me knows that. While it's a useful trait sometimes, it's what causes me most of my troubles in other times.
So... for the past few days, I've been waking up at 8, on the dot, each morning. I didn't set an alarm. It's just automatic. I'd feel sick, tired, and I just can't explain the feeling of discontent or whatever it is. No amount of tossing and turning can fix it. So what did I do this morning? I woke up, made myself a drink, and tried to get myself to go wash up. But I was too tired. So I just tried to sleep for a bit more. I vomited twice, or was it 3 times. Same thing yesterday. I had to find someway to expel the accumulation of acid in my stomach, and I really can't see any other way. Don't worry... I'm not becoming bullimic.
Went to my mom before I went to work, and we had a talk. For once, she was supportive of the way I wanted to deal with my illness. I said I might see the doctor next week if I don't get better, and she agreed. In the past, she'd tell me to just pull myself together and get over it, but I guess maybe, after her own near breakdown episode, she realised that sometimes you just need help. You can't help being sick. I spoke to my aunt yesterday. She's a nurse in Australia. She explained to me that being depressed is not a mere problem of 'weak mind'. It's mostly because my brain may be lacking a certain enzyme that helps me deal with my stress, and because of that, I break down, because I can't handle it. In my case, my stomach is affected, and in turn it affects my appetite, my emotions, and my ability to function each day. Most people here would just tell you that you are not doing enough to make yourself happy, you're not trying not to think about the stuff that make you unhappy. Well... sometimes, I just get unhappy without thinking. It's like a switch. It turns on by itself, when I least expect it. I could be fine and happy now, and totally bothered and down within the next 5 minutes. I try cheering myself up, reminding myself that everything is fine, telling myself to relax and just let things unfold on their own... let life progress as it would... that I cannot control everything... not everything is supposed to go the way I want it to... sometimes this isn't enough.
I guess talking to people helps. But I can't be dependent on that. I need to learn to be alone with myself, my own thoughts... I'm too dependent on people. I know I am too dependent on my boyfriend... of course my girlfriends would support me and call him a jerk for not wanting to spend more time with me, but to be honest, he does. It's just that I expect him to spend every free minute with me, which is really irrational of me. He works so hard each day, he has his own truckload of issues, and the fact that he'd take a few evenings off each week, when he has no off days, to be with me, and listen to me talk about my issues; I think this is proof enough that he is trying to be there for me. He can't always answer my calls, or reply my texts, but as long as he remembers that he has a girlfriend, and finds time to make sure I'm well, shouldn't I be happy. He always asks me to inform him wherever I am, or just let him know what I'm doing. Even if he doesn't reply, I know that he cares, cos that's why he's asking me to tell him. I'm not settling for crumbs. I don't think I have even been one who settled for crumbs. If he ever starts to under-appreciate me, or god-forbid, ever betrays me... it would be so over. I may be nice, but I'm not a pushover.
Speaking of betrayal... back to my conversation with my mom. She thinks that maybe the business is too much for me, and she said that if it ever gets unbearable, I can always tell her, and we can look for ways to sell it, and I can find something else to do. My mother is giving me a chance to run away. Just as I have with all my other jobs. It's comforting to know that she would let me do this, but I think for now, I want to continue doing this, because I know I can. I just need to worry less about work. I think I do work hard enough... I just need to learn that I am allowed to take a break, especially when I'm sick. So for the next few weeks, I'm cutting back my working hours. I might even take a day off. I really need to learn to let go, and that I can't control everything :(
My mom also said something else. I love her for being worried about me, but sometimes, she should just keep these thoughts to herself. All my close friends know that my bf is younger than I am. Not just 1 or 2 years, but 5 years. But does age really matter? Sure he has some growing up to do, I've done my bit of growing up, but there is no reason to not be with someone just because they're not fully-developed :P To be honest, I don't think I'm all that mature either, and it's what makes us compatible... I think he has a much more mature take on life, while I have more knowledge on work, career and some other stuff... we help each other like that. He has made me a more giving person. I can admit that I used to be really selfish. It's always about how I felt and how I wanted things to be, and even though I do still act like that sometimes, but I realised that I'm doing it less these days. All the things I'm going through has made me a little more aware of people around me. Of course he still gets the bulk of my affection and consideration, I'm learning to give a little of it to others... bit by bit.
The other thing she said... she was worried he'd cheat on me and leave me for someone else, because he's young and good-looking. Yes... roll your eyes and say "What?" :P Everyone who knows him tells me he's never cheated, he's always been devoted. My mom said that it's because no girl has come onto him yet. That got me thinking. He's really courteous to strangers. It does worry me sometimes that he'd give other girls the wrong idea. But he's told me time and time again... he never looks at anyone else. He thinks that girls these days just want a man with money. True... money he hasn't got a lot of now... but some girls are willing to settle for a guy with a secure job and wait for him to get rich, and it really doesn't hurt that he's such a looker. He thinks that girls these days aren't so patient. Sometimes I feel that he's just comforting me, or lying to himself :P To the public, I think that most people feel that he is doing well, and hence, the bees may just decide to come to the honey. Yes... situations may change people... maybe being exposed to the public where he is working now will change him, but I believe that love and loyalty will keep us together. If there is anything he hates, is being betrayed. So even if the hottest, most echanting girl should come onto him, I trust him to remember that he loves me, has me, and all the things we've been through together is not worth giving up over some slut :P Sure I'm always gonna worry... but if everyone worried like my mom does, and avoid relationships with people or dump people before they get a chance to be dumped, there'll be no more couples left in this world, who's gonna get married? There'll be no more romance in this world T_T A friend of mine posted on Facebook "To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing." I totally agree... So... if the worse ever happens, I can only tell myself that it was not meant to be, and I can always do better. Right? I think I'm still pretty hot ^_^
But... thank you Mom for being there for me today... and for supporting me... I love you. You really need to stop worrying about me and my bf, and you need to stop planting seeds of doubt in my head. Already I'm always so worried about everything, it's really not helping that you tell me such negative what-ifs. Soooo not helping. I wish you could take back these words... :( I wish you could just be happy that I am happy now, and just let me live my life. At least my personal life...
I think I just have a lot of issues... and I always expect things to get better by tomorrow. That's why I always feel dejected when things have not improved, be it my love life, or work life, or even this illness. There is truth in the phrase "just take things easy". I hate it when people tell me that, as if it were a cure-all, but in a way, I do need to take it easy, and let things work out on their own. My relationship with my bf is not gonna improve if I don't learn that everyone needs space and some time alone, and my work life is not gonna improve if I don't learn that I don't have to tie myself to the shop and feel responsible for everything that happens.
I tell everyone that I don't give a damn each day, but I do. I tell everyone that I'll be here to take over everything the day everyone quits, but I'm deathly afraid of when that day comes. This shop was my dad's dream, because he wanted to keep our family together, I guess that's why I feel obligated to keep doing this, not matter how difficult it will become. I need to survive. If I've bounced back before, I am gonna bounce back again. I just need time, and I need to give myself time.
So for now... just lots of deep breaths and positive thinking. There are many things looking up for me, I just need to learn to appreciate them as they come. Really looking forward to see Kai Ling & Hazel next week :D I hope you girls make it. Can't wait to give you both big, big hugs :D
I LOVE YOU ALL... I REALLY DO... I'm sorry if I have ever seemed distant or as if I've forgotten my friends. I do think of you, but I just never really found the time or made the effort to show it. Bad of me... but... :( Yea... I'm bad... but you love me still :D Hehe! Right?
P.S. Thanks Dad for always giving me everything. But you really need to stop being biased. I love you too!
Friday, August 21, 2009
I'm just gonna slap on lots of vids for y'all... these are the songs that are predominant on my playlist these days.
First is Hwayobi with Rose. I love the soul in this song and the groovy house-ish beat :D She's famous for always singing live. She ain't the best lookin' singer in Korea, but she's pretty adorable and cool ^_^
I can't get the subs for this song cos Avex has been on patrol... apparently no one is allowed to upload this video. I don't think it's premature to say that G-dragon's solo album is going to be a smash hit. I love the styling and choreography of the video... except for the bed scene... reminds me of Wheesung's Insomnia. The other songs on this album were pretty good. I've always liked G-D's works... I hope he keeps the good music coming :)
Drunken Tiger!! He'd the granddaddy of Hip Hop in South Korea. All hail!!! ^_^
I find this song so funny... and only MC Mong can pull off something like that... hehe!
FT Island is back with an album, and it has kind of a 'That Thing You Do' feel to it :)
Finally... *drumroll* The object of many guys' wet dreams as of late :D Brown Eyed Girls. I highly recommend that you go onto YouTube and watch their live performances :D You won't be able to take your eyes off them :P
First is Hwayobi with Rose. I love the soul in this song and the groovy house-ish beat :D She's famous for always singing live. She ain't the best lookin' singer in Korea, but she's pretty adorable and cool ^_^
I can't get the subs for this song cos Avex has been on patrol... apparently no one is allowed to upload this video. I don't think it's premature to say that G-dragon's solo album is going to be a smash hit. I love the styling and choreography of the video... except for the bed scene... reminds me of Wheesung's Insomnia. The other songs on this album were pretty good. I've always liked G-D's works... I hope he keeps the good music coming :)
Drunken Tiger!! He'd the granddaddy of Hip Hop in South Korea. All hail!!! ^_^
I find this song so funny... and only MC Mong can pull off something like that... hehe!
FT Island is back with an album, and it has kind of a 'That Thing You Do' feel to it :)
Finally... *drumroll* The object of many guys' wet dreams as of late :D Brown Eyed Girls. I highly recommend that you go onto YouTube and watch their live performances :D You won't be able to take your eyes off them :P
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Oh... It's Definitely You...
Super Junior is out with a new single... yea... again... after they'd just put out a new album. This song is released as a digital single and is also featured in the repackaged version of their latest album, Sorry, Sorry. Repackaging is big in the Korean music industry now. The recording moguls figured out that adding some freebies like new photos, and 1 or 2 songs, then changing the album sleeve, would make teenage girls buy an album twice, thrice... or more than that. I am no teenage girl, and I've succumbed to this marketing trick at least once or twice. Damn!
Anyhoo... the song is heartwrenching, but the melody is beautiful as usual. I absolutely adore the chorus... Enjoy...
Anyhoo... the song is heartwrenching, but the melody is beautiful as usual. I absolutely adore the chorus... Enjoy...
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Yoo Hoo!
Yes... I have disappeared off the radar yet again :P
I've been busy preparing for the opening of my hot pot restaurant. Yea... you heard me right... I'm opening a restaurant. Details will be up as soon as the opening date is final. So stay tuned.
Meanwhile... check out my newest ringtone :D
I hardly know K.Will, but I do know he exists. This song is nice. I love how the tune of the chorus... it's just the way I like it... lilting and sweet and oh-so-sad ^_^
I've been busy preparing for the opening of my hot pot restaurant. Yea... you heard me right... I'm opening a restaurant. Details will be up as soon as the opening date is final. So stay tuned.
Meanwhile... check out my newest ringtone :D
I hardly know K.Will, but I do know he exists. This song is nice. I love how the tune of the chorus... it's just the way I like it... lilting and sweet and oh-so-sad ^_^
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Map the Soul
I just realised that I have not paid appropriate attention to the superbly talented Tablo and his band, Epik High. So now that I've finally really given their music a chance... I'm gonna rave about them!
Their 6th album (yes... they have 6 albums already, and a slew of songs they've been featured in or have written and produced), Map the Soul, is a breath a fresh air to me. I've been overindulging in electronic music as of late, and found this to be pretty much on par with Ra.D, whom I had also recently discovered. I'm only gonna review a select few tracks.

1. Believe
2. Cipher
3. Map the Soul
4. Customer Service (Skit)
5. Top Gun
6. Scenario (피해망상 pt. 2)
7. London (instrumental)
8. Free Music
9. Map the Soul [Worldwide Version]
10. 8 by 8, Part 2
The first song I heard was of course, Map the Soul. I like the background music accompanying the rap and all. The only difference between the normal and the worldwide version is the additional rapping by Tablo. Someone tell me. The MV was pretty artistic. You can watch it here.
*edit* I just noticed that the 'worldwide version' is in English. I guess that's why it's 'worldwide' :D Silly me... So it's additional rapping by Tablo, plus, it's all in English. I'm impressed... I guess I now know what the song is about. Hehe!
Cipher is a great song, accompanied by some impressive beat boxing.
Customer Service isn't a song, but a skit, as indicated. I have a feeling they were inspired by Russell Peters' "Do the right thing!" :P
Next is Top Gun, which was probably inspired, in a way, by the Tom Cruise movie, as I gathered from bits and pieces of the lyrics. I like the intro of the song, and the overall flow. Makes me feel like dancing... that old skool beat...
I'm pretty sure Scenario is some kinda love song... cos it sounds a bit sad, the tone of the song.
Free Music is definitely about piracy... haha... I'm sorry I didn't buy the album... but I can only afford so many >_<
You can find some of these songs on YouTube. Just search "Epik High" and "Map the Soul". I'm looking forward to getting the subbed versions. Would like to understand what he's singing... even though he's already using lotsa big English words in his songs. Did I ever mention that Tablo has a Bachelors Degree in English from Stanford University? :D
As for Ra.D... I still hardly know the guy. But his songs are awesome. It has that very black American flavour about it, but it's in Korean... :D I've never skipped a single track when listening to this album.

The title of his 2nd album is Realcollabo. Not sure what that means... I recommend Track 4 (Cool Fella), Track 5 (Sweet Love) and Track 8 (SP Collabo). You won't regret it :D
Their 6th album (yes... they have 6 albums already, and a slew of songs they've been featured in or have written and produced), Map the Soul, is a breath a fresh air to me. I've been overindulging in electronic music as of late, and found this to be pretty much on par with Ra.D, whom I had also recently discovered. I'm only gonna review a select few tracks.

1. Believe
2. Cipher
3. Map the Soul
4. Customer Service (Skit)
5. Top Gun
6. Scenario (피해망상 pt. 2)
7. London (instrumental)
8. Free Music
9. Map the Soul [Worldwide Version]
10. 8 by 8, Part 2
The first song I heard was of course, Map the Soul. I like the background music accompanying the rap and all. The only difference between the normal and the worldwide version is the additional rapping by Tablo. Someone tell me. The MV was pretty artistic. You can watch it here.
*edit* I just noticed that the 'worldwide version' is in English. I guess that's why it's 'worldwide' :D Silly me... So it's additional rapping by Tablo, plus, it's all in English. I'm impressed... I guess I now know what the song is about. Hehe!
Cipher is a great song, accompanied by some impressive beat boxing.
Customer Service isn't a song, but a skit, as indicated. I have a feeling they were inspired by Russell Peters' "Do the right thing!" :P
Next is Top Gun, which was probably inspired, in a way, by the Tom Cruise movie, as I gathered from bits and pieces of the lyrics. I like the intro of the song, and the overall flow. Makes me feel like dancing... that old skool beat...
I'm pretty sure Scenario is some kinda love song... cos it sounds a bit sad, the tone of the song.
Free Music is definitely about piracy... haha... I'm sorry I didn't buy the album... but I can only afford so many >_<
You can find some of these songs on YouTube. Just search "Epik High" and "Map the Soul". I'm looking forward to getting the subbed versions. Would like to understand what he's singing... even though he's already using lotsa big English words in his songs. Did I ever mention that Tablo has a Bachelors Degree in English from Stanford University? :D
As for Ra.D... I still hardly know the guy. But his songs are awesome. It has that very black American flavour about it, but it's in Korean... :D I've never skipped a single track when listening to this album.

The title of his 2nd album is Realcollabo. Not sure what that means... I recommend Track 4 (Cool Fella), Track 5 (Sweet Love) and Track 8 (SP Collabo). You won't regret it :D
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Fun with Mobile Phones :D

How to Take Great Photos On Your Mobile

How To Look Good In Photos
Just Plain Rubbish ^_^

Stupid Things To Try With Your Phone
Does this really work?

How To Boost Your Phone Signal
How to Take Great Photos On Your Mobile
How To Look Good In Photos
Just Plain Rubbish ^_^
Stupid Things To Try With Your Phone
Does this really work?
How To Boost Your Phone Signal
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Whats abouts me?
Interesting quiz...
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties. -So me!!!
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior. -Hmmm... I should stop looking to settle down then?
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person. -I think so too :D
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with? -I am NOT a FLIRT!!! *pouts*
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can. -I guess... *shrugs*
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life. -Nononono!!! I wanna be a popstar!!! ^_^
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous. -Yes... kiasu... that's me :D
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear. -*sobs* Yea... I care too much...
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve. -Oh... I sooo agree... ;)
Give me more!!!
Ze Real Me
Here is the analysis:
1. You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you. -Yes... I know I'm so hawt ^_^
2. You don't really care about other people's feelings. You do things the way you want and usually think only about yourself. You are easy-going and love to have fun, but you can be irresponsible as well. You are not keen on serious discussions because they can make you remember that life isn't always about parties. -Really?
3. You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm. -Yep, yep!
4. Your peers think of you as a fun person, but sometimes you can be a little irresponsible. You can be somewhat childish, and can try to ignore the fact that you will one day need to really grow up and be a mature adult! Perhaps you could start reading good books; they might help you look at the world in a different light. You do want to be taken seriously, right? -Somewhat agree... but people who know me well enough do know my serious side :P
5. Your boyfriend thinks that you are a real doll but this is not a totally positive thing. Sometimes you can be a bit too sweet, and come across as being helpless. If you're like this too frequently, your boyfriend and other people are likely to get tired of you having to rely on them all the time. -?? Okay... I know this I gotta fix T_T
My Personality Love Style
You desire a love that will last forever. You are quite serious about finding this type of love, and that's why you think carefully about the men that you meet before deciding whether you could really love them. You don't just develop a crush on someone overnight: you look at a person's personality and other aspects of their life before deciding to form an attachment. If a guy doesn't meet your expectations, you would rather be alone. Your love has to be perfect. Be careful though, you could be missing out on some worthy relationships because your standards are so high. -Really? Okaayyy...
What Type of Personality Do I Have :D
Bright and Cheerful
You are always cheerful and charming. You never get too serious with people when they're around, but when you are alone, you think carefully about what they have said. That's because you don't want anyone to see you being too somber. Your personality means you have a lot of friends and you are often the center of attention. Many people who fall into this category become artists and movie stars, perhaps fame could be yours in the future as well. -Yea... I like to mull over what ppl have said to me... I'm a little psycho like that :S
What Does Being A Friend Mean To Me
You value your friendships: 50%
You value your friendships quite a lot but you don't like to show your feelings to others. You would rather keep your feelings to yourself than share them with your friends. You might get a pleasant surprise if you are more open about caring for people - they will probably let you know that you're special to them, too. -But I AM caring... :(
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties. -So me!!!
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior. -Hmmm... I should stop looking to settle down then?
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person. -I think so too :D
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with? -I am NOT a FLIRT!!! *pouts*
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can. -I guess... *shrugs*
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life. -Nononono!!! I wanna be a popstar!!! ^_^
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous. -Yes... kiasu... that's me :D
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear. -*sobs* Yea... I care too much...
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve. -Oh... I sooo agree... ;)
Give me more!!!
Ze Real Me
Here is the analysis:
1. You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you. -Yes... I know I'm so hawt ^_^
2. You don't really care about other people's feelings. You do things the way you want and usually think only about yourself. You are easy-going and love to have fun, but you can be irresponsible as well. You are not keen on serious discussions because they can make you remember that life isn't always about parties. -Really?
3. You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm. -Yep, yep!
4. Your peers think of you as a fun person, but sometimes you can be a little irresponsible. You can be somewhat childish, and can try to ignore the fact that you will one day need to really grow up and be a mature adult! Perhaps you could start reading good books; they might help you look at the world in a different light. You do want to be taken seriously, right? -Somewhat agree... but people who know me well enough do know my serious side :P
5. Your boyfriend thinks that you are a real doll but this is not a totally positive thing. Sometimes you can be a bit too sweet, and come across as being helpless. If you're like this too frequently, your boyfriend and other people are likely to get tired of you having to rely on them all the time. -?? Okay... I know this I gotta fix T_T
My Personality Love Style
You desire a love that will last forever. You are quite serious about finding this type of love, and that's why you think carefully about the men that you meet before deciding whether you could really love them. You don't just develop a crush on someone overnight: you look at a person's personality and other aspects of their life before deciding to form an attachment. If a guy doesn't meet your expectations, you would rather be alone. Your love has to be perfect. Be careful though, you could be missing out on some worthy relationships because your standards are so high. -Really? Okaayyy...
What Type of Personality Do I Have :D
Bright and Cheerful
You are always cheerful and charming. You never get too serious with people when they're around, but when you are alone, you think carefully about what they have said. That's because you don't want anyone to see you being too somber. Your personality means you have a lot of friends and you are often the center of attention. Many people who fall into this category become artists and movie stars, perhaps fame could be yours in the future as well. -Yea... I like to mull over what ppl have said to me... I'm a little psycho like that :S
What Does Being A Friend Mean To Me
You value your friendships: 50%
You value your friendships quite a lot but you don't like to show your feelings to others. You would rather keep your feelings to yourself than share them with your friends. You might get a pleasant surprise if you are more open about caring for people - they will probably let you know that you're special to them, too. -But I AM caring... :(
Saturday, March 07, 2009
And sometimes...
This is going to be an incoherent post... don't ask me why...
I don't know how to say it, and yet I have something to say.
I don't want to cry, but the tears threaten to fall.
I want to touch, but I'm too far away.
I want to grasp it, but it keeps moving away.
I want to sleep, but I keep staying awake.
Thinking, feeling, wanting, yearning, falling, forgetting... does it make sense? I knew it wouldn't...
If I knew how to write all these in Korean... this would make a great love song... haha!
Found this song on my friend's Cyworld... it's so sweet... Sorry I have no translations... or MV...
I don't know how to say it, and yet I have something to say.
I don't want to cry, but the tears threaten to fall.
I want to touch, but I'm too far away.
I want to grasp it, but it keeps moving away.
I want to sleep, but I keep staying awake.
Thinking, feeling, wanting, yearning, falling, forgetting... does it make sense? I knew it wouldn't...
If I knew how to write all these in Korean... this would make a great love song... haha!
Found this song on my friend's Cyworld... it's so sweet... Sorry I have no translations... or MV...
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Old Fogey...
I'm a sucker for old songs >_< I've been online searching for old songs that I like...
Yes... he used to be one of the idols :D When he made a come back after his stint in the army, this was one of the songs they were promoting on Channel V :D Never really listened to his songs before then... but now that my Chinese vocab has somewhat expanded, I understand this song better, and love it more :)
He is definitely not hot :P But I love this song... My Canto vocab is still pretty small... so I don't really know what he's singing... nyahaha! Still... I like the tone of the song, the tune, and I know he's singing about how things remind him of 'you'...
It's one of the sweetest love songs I know... too bad I don't know how to sing it, and no one I know actually listens to this song :( I guess there will be no duet :P
This is my theme song of the month :D My dream would be someone singing it to me as a proposal... hehehe! Wishful thinking...
Oh well... shows everyone what an old fogey I am at heart T_T
Yes... he used to be one of the idols :D When he made a come back after his stint in the army, this was one of the songs they were promoting on Channel V :D Never really listened to his songs before then... but now that my Chinese vocab has somewhat expanded, I understand this song better, and love it more :)
He is definitely not hot :P But I love this song... My Canto vocab is still pretty small... so I don't really know what he's singing... nyahaha! Still... I like the tone of the song, the tune, and I know he's singing about how things remind him of 'you'...
It's one of the sweetest love songs I know... too bad I don't know how to sing it, and no one I know actually listens to this song :( I guess there will be no duet :P
This is my theme song of the month :D My dream would be someone singing it to me as a proposal... hehehe! Wishful thinking...
Oh well... shows everyone what an old fogey I am at heart T_T
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Rainy day...

I've never really walked under torrents of rain before, and today I did... it was a liberating experience, other than the fact that I was worried that my mobile phone would get soaked :D
You'll feel like you didn't have a single care in the world, and allow the rain to wash away all the tension you had inside you. Try it someday...
You'll feel like you didn't have a single care in the world, and allow the rain to wash away all the tension you had inside you. Try it someday...
Friday, February 20, 2009
Why did you call?
I've heard many sad songs lately, but this one is the best. It almost made me tear... if I were alone in my room when I watched it, I'd be bawling... the lyrics are so sad and poignant... it's a simple love song, with such a painful tone to it. Reminds me of the heartbreaking loves I've been through...
The singer is Shin Hye Sung from the band Shinhwa. This will be his 3rd solo album.
Not subbed by my favourite subber, but it'll do. Thanks to nglkt for subbing :D
For those who can read Chinese, I think the Chinese translations would be even better :D
The singer is Shin Hye Sung from the band Shinhwa. This will be his 3rd solo album.
Not subbed by my favourite subber, but it'll do. Thanks to nglkt for subbing :D
For those who can read Chinese, I think the Chinese translations would be even better :D
Shin Hye Sung,
Why Did You Call
Thursday, February 19, 2009
No... I do not have insomnia... Wheesung and Craig David does :D
I was quite impressed with Wheesung's version. I actually preferred the video because it really showed him, as opposed to Craig David's, where he kept hiding behind the shadows and let the girl have more than half the video to herself... Is it cos he got fatter and he's shy? :D If only Wheesung had chosen a hotter girl to 'paw' in his video :P
The song is quite catchy... I love the bridge and the chorus. I don't like the starting of the 2nd half cos they mangled it with the big mouthful of lyrics and ruined the fluidity of the song. Otherwise... it would've been a song I could sing along to... now I can only mumble all the verses... Grrr... But on the other hand... I am impressed with the lyrics of the Korean version. Simply adore them. I find them more meaningful than the English version... which sounds like it's been done before...
Watch both videos and decide...
Thanks to coolsmurf again for posting. I try to get his videos up here cos he manages to get decent subs and he doesn't plaster the video with his signature like some other ppl :P
P.S. This is the first Wheesung song I bothered to download and listen to :D
Craig David's
I was quite impressed with Wheesung's version. I actually preferred the video because it really showed him, as opposed to Craig David's, where he kept hiding behind the shadows and let the girl have more than half the video to herself... Is it cos he got fatter and he's shy? :D If only Wheesung had chosen a hotter girl to 'paw' in his video :P
The song is quite catchy... I love the bridge and the chorus. I don't like the starting of the 2nd half cos they mangled it with the big mouthful of lyrics and ruined the fluidity of the song. Otherwise... it would've been a song I could sing along to... now I can only mumble all the verses... Grrr... But on the other hand... I am impressed with the lyrics of the Korean version. Simply adore them. I find them more meaningful than the English version... which sounds like it's been done before...
Watch both videos and decide...
Thanks to coolsmurf again for posting. I try to get his videos up here cos he manages to get decent subs and he doesn't plaster the video with his signature like some other ppl :P
P.S. This is the first Wheesung song I bothered to download and listen to :D
Craig David's
Craig David,
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
This is the anthem of the year for dumpees... if you're a girl, change the lyrics to 'bad man' :P
Let others know a little more about yourself, re-post this as your name followed by "ology"
What is your salad dressing of choice?
What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
Dunno… don’t we all sit in restaurants? I hate standing when I’m eating…
What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it?
Satay… pork satay
What are your pizza toppings of choice?
Ham, bacon, mushrooms, lots and lots of cheese!!!
What do you like to put on your toast?
Butter or peanut butter
How many television sets are in your house?
3 in Singapore, 4 in Melaka (take note, Danie)
What color of cell phone do you have?
Green, white, blue, black… it’s colorful!!!
Are you right-handed or left-handed?
Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
Booger? Plaque on my teeth?
What is the last heavy item you lifted?
A stool (small chair… not poop)
Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
Why would that happen to me? Because I talked too much?
If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
I generally hate surprises, but this is one thing I’d not wanna know. Even though I’d love to be able to say goodbye to all the people I love… so I treat each day like my last :)
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
No idea… Pig? Zhu Yi? Hehehe! Maybe not… my name is pretty cool… unlike some country bumpkin’s… :D
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
No... I’d be suffering for weeks after…
How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
Erm… 2 Chinese New Years ago… for running a red light :D
Last person you talked to?
Last person you hugged?
My daddy (Danie… take note… Eve wasn’t the last one :P)
Windy summer
Any long holiday is appreciated
Day of the week?
Missing someone?
Yep :(
What are you listening to?
Black Beat
My laptop screen
Worrying about?
If Pan Kuma and Sybilla will botch up the assassination my plan >:D
First place you went today?
What's the last movie you saw?
Do you smile often?
I try to... I think I smile weird… blame the braces… still learning to smile :P
1)Do you always answer your phone?
Yes… unless I didn’t hear it ring
2) It's four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
Maxis? Damn it!!! Stop sending promotional SMSes at odd hours!!!
3) If you could change your eye color what would it be?
4) What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?
What’s Sonic?
5) Do you own a digital camera?
6) Have you ever had a pet fish?
Yeah... I once had 10 puffer fish… most of them died within the day cos they idiot aquarium didn’t tell me that they needed a pump in the tank. I love puffer fish :) Their little fins are so adorable
7) Favorite Christmas song?
Can’t remember…
8) What's on your wish list for your birthday?
Success and happiness in life
9) Can you do push ups?
May need some help
10) Can you do a chin up?
Don’t think so… my arms would break first
11) Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
12) Do you have any saved texts?
Yes… I should probably delete them after I read them… but I always forget
13) Ever been in a car wreck?
NO!!! Choi… choi… choi…
14) Do you have an accent?
My hair is nicely accented by red highlights :D
15) What is the last song to make you cry?
Graze by Shinee… painful song…
16) Plans tonight?
Tummy slimming treatment
17) Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
Yes… but I’ve bounced back :D
18) Name 3 things you bought in the last week
Wet wipes, Sesame Street tissue, lottery ticket
19) Have you ever been given roses?
Yes... of course!!! :P
20) Current worrry?
I may never find my path in life
21) Current hate right now?
The need to depend on people
22) Met someone who changed your life?
Yes… a few actually…
23) How did you bring in the New Year!
How do you bring it in? Doesn’t it just come?
24) What song represents you?
Bad Woman by FT Island or This Woman by Lee Soo Young
25) Name three people who might complete this?
Felicia, Kristi, Xing
26) What were you doing at 12 AM last night
Falling asleep
27) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
I wanna go back to sleep
Not feeling creative... pardon the generic answers :P
What is your salad dressing of choice?
What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
Dunno… don’t we all sit in restaurants? I hate standing when I’m eating…
What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it?
Satay… pork satay
What are your pizza toppings of choice?
Ham, bacon, mushrooms, lots and lots of cheese!!!
What do you like to put on your toast?
Butter or peanut butter
How many television sets are in your house?
3 in Singapore, 4 in Melaka (take note, Danie)
What color of cell phone do you have?
Green, white, blue, black… it’s colorful!!!
Are you right-handed or left-handed?
Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
Booger? Plaque on my teeth?
What is the last heavy item you lifted?
A stool (small chair… not poop)
Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
Why would that happen to me? Because I talked too much?
If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
I generally hate surprises, but this is one thing I’d not wanna know. Even though I’d love to be able to say goodbye to all the people I love… so I treat each day like my last :)
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
No idea… Pig? Zhu Yi? Hehehe! Maybe not… my name is pretty cool… unlike some country bumpkin’s… :D
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
No... I’d be suffering for weeks after…
How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
Erm… 2 Chinese New Years ago… for running a red light :D
Last person you talked to?
Last person you hugged?
My daddy (Danie… take note… Eve wasn’t the last one :P)
Windy summer
Any long holiday is appreciated
Day of the week?
Missing someone?
Yep :(
What are you listening to?
Black Beat
My laptop screen
Worrying about?
If Pan Kuma and Sybilla will botch up the assassination my plan >:D
First place you went today?
What's the last movie you saw?
Do you smile often?
I try to... I think I smile weird… blame the braces… still learning to smile :P
1)Do you always answer your phone?
Yes… unless I didn’t hear it ring
2) It's four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
Maxis? Damn it!!! Stop sending promotional SMSes at odd hours!!!
3) If you could change your eye color what would it be?
4) What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?
What’s Sonic?
5) Do you own a digital camera?
6) Have you ever had a pet fish?
Yeah... I once had 10 puffer fish… most of them died within the day cos they idiot aquarium didn’t tell me that they needed a pump in the tank. I love puffer fish :) Their little fins are so adorable
7) Favorite Christmas song?
Can’t remember…
8) What's on your wish list for your birthday?
Success and happiness in life
9) Can you do push ups?
May need some help
10) Can you do a chin up?
Don’t think so… my arms would break first
11) Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
12) Do you have any saved texts?
Yes… I should probably delete them after I read them… but I always forget
13) Ever been in a car wreck?
NO!!! Choi… choi… choi…
14) Do you have an accent?
My hair is nicely accented by red highlights :D
15) What is the last song to make you cry?
Graze by Shinee… painful song…
16) Plans tonight?
Tummy slimming treatment
17) Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
Yes… but I’ve bounced back :D
18) Name 3 things you bought in the last week
Wet wipes, Sesame Street tissue, lottery ticket
19) Have you ever been given roses?
Yes... of course!!! :P
20) Current worrry?
I may never find my path in life
21) Current hate right now?
The need to depend on people
22) Met someone who changed your life?
Yes… a few actually…
23) How did you bring in the New Year!
How do you bring it in? Doesn’t it just come?
24) What song represents you?
Bad Woman by FT Island or This Woman by Lee Soo Young
25) Name three people who might complete this?
Felicia, Kristi, Xing
26) What were you doing at 12 AM last night
Falling asleep
27) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
I wanna go back to sleep
Not feeling creative... pardon the generic answers :P
Hazel Eyes...
Not sure of her eye color yet... but I bet it will will be a beautiful one since her mummy already has beautiful eyes :)

Welcome Hazel! You're the closest thing I have to my own daughter now... I'm gonna shower you with lots of love and presents from now on... *HUGS*

Welcome Hazel! You're the closest thing I have to my own daughter now... I'm gonna shower you with lots of love and presents from now on... *HUGS*
Monday, February 16, 2009
I love this song by KARA, but I was really disappointed by the quality of the MV used to promote it. The footage was jumping all over the place, and there was no focus at all. So what if they were dolled up so nicely... it was a waste :(
Thanks to coolsmurf for posting the vid!
Thanks to coolsmurf for posting the vid!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Go Away...
I'm so sad... Fly to the Sky is finally disbanding. Decennium would be their last album together T_T Their song for their comeback/farewell is aptly titled Go Away / Goodbye You. Enjoy the MV and their live performance... Will put up a better one if it appears on YouTube. Do buy their last album if you can... as a final support to the band...
I'm gonna go wallow now... *sobs*
I'm gonna go wallow now... *sobs*
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Alone again...
I'm posting because I know some people are waiting for me to explain, but I really don't have the breath to explain to every single person. I may edit this later, because I feel that I might have missed out some stuff or explained some things wrongly. But for now, this is what I have to say.
I’ve always hated walking alone… eating alone… doing anything alone. When he came along, I thought that my life was set. As long as I didn’t have to walk alone, eat alone or live a life alone, we’d be fine. But I guess there are some things you need to learn before you can be an adult. I’ve held back all this time, and lived the life I had because I was so afraid. I was afraid of being alone; having no one to go to when I needed love and support. Don’t ask me “What about your family?” The love and support from your family is different. It’s not the same as the love and support coming from a person who loves you. If you think your family would love you unconditionally, wait till you meet someone who loves you more than your family does.
He is such a person. I’ve always felt he loved me more than anyone did, other than my Dad. But it wasn’t just love that was important. It was how he understood what I wanted and needed. It irked me that he never saw the small things I needed, but it touched me whenever he understood the things that mean a lot to me. No relationship is perfect, but maybe mine was almost perfect. So why did I have to leave?
Maybe it’s been too long. I no longer know what I want out of the relationship, other than a person to come home to at night, to care for me when I’m sick, to support me when I needed words of encouragement and a hug, and to hold me when I cry.
I just decided that I need to learn to stand alone. For years, even before I met him, I have been reliant on those who would allow me to rely on them. It took me all this time to decide because I was so afraid of being alone, and didn’t want the hassle of going through a tedious separation. I won’t say break up. We were the closest thing to being married. Leaving each other was as big a production as a divorce. It would’ve been so much easier if we’d just gotten married and just continue with our lives, but I wasn’t contented. I want to change... I want to be a stronger and better person...
Here’s where everyone calls me an ungrateful bitch, and how stupid I am for throwing away the best thing in my life. Who would love me that much? Who would do everything for me like he did? Who would promise to take care of me for life? I’ve thought about all these questions… long before this… back then, I was afraid, but now I’ve decided that I want to live my life. I don’t want to be held back because I’m afraid to move forward, alone. It may sound mostly selfish on my part, but I also hope that by doing this, he can start focusing on his life, and what he wants and needs to do for himself. I don’t want him to keep planning his life around me, and I want my life to stop revolving around him. Of course that’s what you do when you’re a couple, but at this moment, I don’t see a future other than us keep dancing around each other.
Of course I’m still afraid. I’m afraid that I would wake up when I’m in my late 30s and realize that I’m unloved and unwanted. But then I wonder, is that worse than committing to something I might regret 10 years later, and having to live with it for the rest of my life? I’ll take my chance now, when I still have some time left.
I've definitely learnt a great deal from being with him. I’m not walking away with nothing. I know now how it feels to know that you can put your life in someone’s hands. I know how secure it feels to know that this person will love and accept you no matter what you become or look like 30-40 years down the road. I may never be able to do this with another person in the future, but if there is anyone who would be able to do 50% of what he has done for me, it’s already a huge feat.
10 years from now… maybe I’ll end up with him again, maybe I’ll find someone new, maybe I’ll be alone. I just want to grow and mature in this time, and learn to take care of myself. Whoever it is who becomes my partner when that time comes… I think he would be thankful to know that I am a better person than I was, and I would be a worthy partner for him, not just a companion. Hopefully…
Sunday, February 01, 2009
For some reason... this song is addictive. Check out the lyrics :D Maybe I'll Romanize it later... hehe!
And one of my fave female singers, Lee Soo Young is out with a new song... This Woman.
I love the lyrics too... they're so meaningful, and reminiscent :P For elaboration, ask me personally :D
And one of my fave female singers, Lee Soo Young is out with a new song... This Woman.
I love the lyrics too... they're so meaningful, and reminiscent :P For elaboration, ask me personally :D
Lee Soo Young,
This Woman
Sunday, January 18, 2009
The song is called Molla-ing... which directly translates as 'don't knowing' but I think the correct translation will be 'not knowing. Whatever...
As you can see... I am less biased these days. I don't just ogle at pretty boys, but I appreciate the music of 'bao-faced' Korean girls also ^_^ She reminds me of Sohee of Wonder Girls, whom I seriously detest :P But the song is nice... I might even try to learn it. Nyahaha!
I'm nice enough to hunt for the subbed version of the song, yet again... thank you to this kind YouTube user for subbing the vid.
So shall we give May Doni a chance? We'll see... I'll check out her album and come back to y'all.
One thing... I don't get the MV... so is she singing about her not knowing that her bf is a gay boy? I'm not homophobic... I just like to get the facts straight :P
Update: I was wondering why her name was so long, I found out that she was born in the USA. So her name was May Doni Kim (Korean style: Kim May Doni / Kim Maydoni). Doni is her middle name... ang moh style! Yo! :P So shouldn't they just call her May? :P
Lyrics for this song are posted on my lyrics blog:
As you can see... I am less biased these days. I don't just ogle at pretty boys, but I appreciate the music of 'bao-faced' Korean girls also ^_^ She reminds me of Sohee of Wonder Girls, whom I seriously detest :P But the song is nice... I might even try to learn it. Nyahaha!
I'm nice enough to hunt for the subbed version of the song, yet again... thank you to this kind YouTube user for subbing the vid.
So shall we give May Doni a chance? We'll see... I'll check out her album and come back to y'all.
One thing... I don't get the MV... so is she singing about her not knowing that her bf is a gay boy? I'm not homophobic... I just like to get the facts straight :P
Update: I was wondering why her name was so long, I found out that she was born in the USA. So her name was May Doni Kim (Korean style: Kim May Doni / Kim Maydoni). Doni is her middle name... ang moh style! Yo! :P So shouldn't they just call her May? :P
Lyrics for this song are posted on my lyrics blog:
Thursday, January 15, 2009
One more for the road...
Before I go to bed... I just found the ALL-NEW acapella version of the Hahaha Song by TVXQ! They made it sound like gospel... tee hee! *skips around*
Lovely... isn't it? :P
Lovely... isn't it? :P
Call me... Call me... [updated!]
Ah... we have yet another piece of Korean eye candy to ogle at... meet Tae Goon...
No vid with translations yet, but once I find one, I'll switch this away.
Found subbed version!
Rumour has it that he's TVXQ's Jae Joong's buddy. So since he's almost family, I'll do a short mention on him. The song is pretty catchy, and the video... 'nuff said. Jae Joong barely appeared for a total of 1 min, but it's enough for me... he's HAWT!!! Tae Goon isn't too shabby either. The only eyesore was the girl. The guys were obviously too attractive for her. What would possess her to even two-time Jae?
Whoever wrote the script did not have his head on straight. In the end... Jae shoots at Tae Goon and the girl (I can very well put her name here, but I prefer to call her 'the girl'). They don't say who got shot... Though I'm not a fan of YAOI, I'll still say that I hope Jae shot the girl, then went off with Tae Goon. Hehehe!
Speaking of pretty boys, a colleague of mine could not understand why girls were so enamored by them (not all girls, just some of us, or many of us).
Don't get me wrong... I am far from homely or wifely... what I was pointing out was that they do like 'normal' girls once in awhile... so don't lose hope, fangirls of pretty boys... our day will come!!! And we will taste their sweet fleshes... YUMM!!!
Found subbed version!
Rumour has it that he's TVXQ's Jae Joong's buddy. So since he's almost family, I'll do a short mention on him. The song is pretty catchy, and the video... 'nuff said. Jae Joong barely appeared for a total of 1 min, but it's enough for me... he's HAWT!!! Tae Goon isn't too shabby either. The only eyesore was the girl. The guys were obviously too attractive for her. What would possess her to even two-time Jae?
Whoever wrote the script did not have his head on straight. In the end... Jae shoots at Tae Goon and the girl (I can very well put her name here, but I prefer to call her 'the girl'). They don't say who got shot... Though I'm not a fan of YAOI, I'll still say that I hope Jae shot the girl, then went off with Tae Goon. Hehehe!
Speaking of pretty boys, a colleague of mine could not understand why girls were so enamored by them (not all girls, just some of us, or many of us).
He said:
Even if you got your claws on one, you won't be able to keep him. They probably date the hottest chicks all the time.
My reply:
Well... as much as a man likes eating the good food outside or even the expensive food... every so often, he would yearn for a homecooked meal. That'll be me! ^_^
His response:
You're right... hahahahahaha...
Don't get me wrong... I am far from homely or wifely... what I was pointing out was that they do like 'normal' girls once in awhile... so don't lose hope, fangirls of pretty boys... our day will come!!! And we will taste their sweet fleshes... YUMM!!!
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Are you annoyed yet?
Cos my sister is already annoyed that I replayed the song so many times when checking the lyrics. Hehehe!
As usual... tell me if I've made a mistake :P

소녀시대 - GEE
As usual... tell me if I've made a mistake :P

소녀시대 - GEE
Uh-Huh! Listen Boy!
My First Love Story (U-Uh-Huh U-Uh-Huh Yeah)
My Angel(Ha-Ah)& My Girls(Ha-Ah)
My Sunshine Uh Uh Let's Go~
neomu neomu meotjyeo
nun-i nun-i pushyeo
sumeul mot shwikesseo tteollineun Girl
Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby Baby
Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby Baby
Oh! Neomu pukkeureowo ch'yeoda pol su eobseo
sarange ppajyeoseo sujubeun Girl
Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby Baby
Gee Gee Gee Gee Be Be Be Be Be Be
(eotteoke hajyo) eotteok etteok hajyo
(tteollineun naneun) tteollineun naneunyo
(tugeuntugeuntugeuntugeun) tugeuntugeunkeoryeo
pamen chamdo moshirujyo
naneun naneun pabongabwayo
keudae keudae pakke moreuneun
keuraeyo keudael poneun nan
neomu panjjak panjjak nuni pushyeo
No No No No No
neomu kkamjjak kkamjjak nollan naneun
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
neomu jjarit jjarit momi tteollyeo
Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee
Oh! Cheojeun nunbich Oh Yeah~
Oh! Choh-eun hyanggi Oh Yeah Yeah Yeah~
Oh! neomu neomu yeppeo mami neomu yeppeo
ch'eot nune panhaesseo kkok chip'eun Girl
Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby Baby
Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby Baby
neomuna tteugeowo manjil suga eobseo
sarange t'abeoryeo hukkeunhan Girl
Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby Baby
Gee Gee Gee Gee Be Be Be Be Be Be
(eojjeomyeon choh-a) eojjeomyeon choh-ayo
(sujubeun naneun) sujubeun naneunyo
(mollamollamollamolla) molla molla hamyeo
maeil keudaeman keurijyo
ch'inhanch'ingudeureun malhajyo
cheongmal neneun cheongmal mot mallyeo
hajiman keudael poneun nan
neomu panjjak panjjak nuni pushyeo
No No No No
neomu kkamjjak kkamjjak nollan naneun
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
neomu jjarit jjarit momi tteollyeo
Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee
Oh! cheojeun nunbich Oh Yeah~
Oh! Choh-eun hyanggi Oh Yeah Yeah Yeah~
maldo mothaetneungeol
neomu pukkeureowo haneun nan
(U-Uh-Huh U-Uh-Huh Yeah)
yonggiga eobneungeolkka (Ha-ah)
eotteohkeya choh-eungeolkka (Ha-ah)
tugeuntugeun mam chorimyeo parabogo itneun nan
neomu panjjak panjjak nuni pushyeo (Oh~)
No No No No No (Ha!)
neomu kkamjjak kkamjjak nollan naneun
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
neomu jjarit jjarit momi tteollyeo
Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee (tteollyeowa)
Oh! cheojeun nunbich Oh Yeah~
Oh! Choh-eun hyanggi Oh Yeah Yeah Yeah~
neomu panjjak panjjak nuni pushyeo (nuni pushyeo~)
No No No No No (No No No~)
neomu kkamjjak kkamjjak nollan naneun (kkamjjak kkamjjak nolran naneun)
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh (Oh Oh Oh~)
neomu jjarit jjarit momi tteollyeo
Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee (tteollyeowa)
Oh! cheojeun nunbich Oh Yeah~
Oh! Choh-eun hyanggi Oh Yeah Yeah Yeah~
Gee! Gee! Gee! Gee! Gee!
I've decided not to be sexist this year, so I'm gonna support more female K-Pop acts. 소녀시대(So Nyeo Shi Dae - SNSD), otherwise known as Girls Generation have released a mini album entitled Gee. I was a little skeptical when I first heard the title, but the song turned out to be pretty catchy... that is if you like cute girls. But they're song is definitely not as ditzy as KARA's Pretty Girl.
The video could definitely be better. Not enough dancing... and as usual... too much hair flying around that I can't tell who's who. And why must they always have a bridge where it's all slow... slow... slow... in a fast song? Anyhoo... cute song! A song about first love. Hmm... it's been so long since my first love... did it really feel like this song described it? Hehe!
As much as I hate to admit it, Nobody is easier to remember. Then again... SM likes complicated songs :P All the best to SNSD. But there are 9 of them... they should pose a threat at least...
I'll post romanizations later for those who wanna sing along. You can definitely try, but I find the song to be a bloody tongue twister.
The video could definitely be better. Not enough dancing... and as usual... too much hair flying around that I can't tell who's who. And why must they always have a bridge where it's all slow... slow... slow... in a fast song? Anyhoo... cute song! A song about first love. Hmm... it's been so long since my first love... did it really feel like this song described it? Hehe!
As much as I hate to admit it, Nobody is easier to remember. Then again... SM likes complicated songs :P All the best to SNSD. But there are 9 of them... they should pose a threat at least...
I'll post romanizations later for those who wanna sing along. You can definitely try, but I find the song to be a bloody tongue twister.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Another one of those...
I chanced upon another few of those weird videos advertised on the MSN Messenger... Enjoy! Might be useful...

Be Sexy Eating Messy Food

Bikini Do's And Don'ts
Be Sexy Eating Messy Food
Bikini Do's And Don'ts
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