Sunday, January 18, 2009


The song is called Molla-ing... which directly translates as 'don't knowing' but I think the correct translation will be 'not knowing. Whatever...

As you can see... I am less biased these days. I don't just ogle at pretty boys, but I appreciate the music of 'bao-faced' Korean girls also ^_^ She reminds me of Sohee of Wonder Girls, whom I seriously detest :P But the song is nice... I might even try to learn it. Nyahaha!

I'm nice enough to hunt for the subbed version of the song, yet again... thank you to this kind YouTube user for subbing the vid.

So shall we give May Doni a chance? We'll see... I'll check out her album and come back to y'all.

One thing... I don't get the MV... so is she singing about her not knowing that her bf is a gay boy? I'm not homophobic... I just like to get the facts straight :P

Update: I was wondering why her name was so long, I found out that she was born in the USA. So her name was May Doni Kim (Korean style: Kim May Doni / Kim Maydoni). Doni is her middle name... ang moh style! Yo! :P So shouldn't they just call her May? :P

Lyrics for this song are posted on my lyrics blog:

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