Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Such gusto?!!

I always begin my writing with such gusto. But as I trudge on, I find my "gusto" waning. Why is that? Have I lost my touch? I used to have "Good job!" or "Well done!" on my English essays. My teachers often praised me for my creative and descriptive use of English, they remembered me as the one who argued for marks because they marked an alternative for an answer, which I have given, as incorrect, the one with the clever, snide comments and yet... now I find myself speechless. I can't carry a conversation without making little mistakes here and there (i noticed) and sometimes, even making myself incoherent. Have I mellowed somehow, as I've concluded. Or have I become lazy, as a friend of mine, Arj, pointed out.

Well, Arj said that I was too young to have mellowed. I beg to differ. I am such a mellow person. One who had began to mellow since I was 18/19. Friends who know me better would tell you that I am sooo mellow albeit the few times a year that I would go dancing at some pub and go bonkers. Now that, is another story to tell. I've always surprised people when I go "clubbing". I arrive at said pub/club, if there are people dancing or there's a fun atmosphere, I just get right to it and shake it. Most people need a little nudge from alcohol to get them moving. But me? Never... I drink nothing but water (which probably costs more than beer. Unless you ordered a bottle, then it would be free). People tend to think I'm really drunk but lying about it until someone confirms that I've had nothing but water and nicotine+oxygen=air(in the pub). I suppose most people would prefer to be drunk so if they did something really spastic, they could blame it on alcohol. I am very proud of the fact that I can have fun without alcohol, smoking or drugs. I'm always on a natural high. And fyi, lots of water would be useful when you're sweating like a pig ;)

Anyway, lets talk about the mellow me again. Since I started dating seriously, as in when I date the guy I really think about it as a long term thing, I preferred to stay home, lounge around, do nothing, watch VCDs, basically just chilling. Some people and even some of those boyfriends found that aspect of me dull. I suppose that it's because they're not ready to set their asses down and just enjoy some private moments together. Some quiet moments of doing nothing but enjoying the comfort of togetherness. They still love to hang around at malls, catch a movie, etc. I'm still a shopaholic (that'll be a subject for my next post). I occasionally attack malls and sadly, my own pockets. But having mellowed is a part of me which means that I feel that I've had it with the buzzing-around-and-doing-everything-under-the-sun kinda life. I'm so glad my current bf approximates me on the mellow scale and that he understands what it's about. And what's more, staying home means spending less. A plus for the pockets for sure. I just feel that it's a sign of maturity and readiness to settle down, a rarity among people these days. My mom thinks it's antisocial of me not to want to go out with friends. I do meet them sometimes. I do have close friends. So I am not antisocial. Antisocial is the word for describing hermits. And I'm no hermit.

So anyway, am I boring anyone yet? If I am, then I can sadly say that I've indeed lost my touch. Or maybe it's just because I have nothing interesting to write about. Since I lead such a mellow life :P

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