Wednesday, August 03, 2005

It's 7am!!!!!!!!

Yes. It's 7am and I am up. Yep! But yesterday, I actually went to bed at 7am. Why? My overactive imagination got the better of me, once again. I was thinking of what I'd do if my house were robbed. And I actually got pretty afraid that someone was really going to rob my house. This is the paranoid side of me few people know. Who would've guessed that the loud and bold me would be afraid. Hehe!

Btw, in reply to Anonymous' comment, I don't think that many people know how to admire and appreciate extroverts or even outgoing girls. Most of them probably think I'm crazy or irritating. In an Asian society, this is not positive attitude. Girls are allowed to speak these days - Halelujah! But we're frowned upon when we holler ;) No one ever thinks so positively of someone. Unless that person were beautiful, has a beautiful body, speaks in a sweet, beautiful voice and wears beautiful clothes all the time. And I think most people already have a person in mind when I say this. Hehe! But enough about personalities. It's nice to know that people actually read my blog. Not just open the page and glare for a few seconds and close the window.

I was so bored yesterday, that I tried this chat thing called IMVU. Anyone tried it yet? If you want to try it, tell me yah. I mail it to you. Then when you top up, I get 10000 pts to buy clothes. Muahaha! It's a chat in 3D. Your avatar sits in a coffee shop and talks, face to face, with another avatar. Usually with some random fella and usually, it'll be a 18 or 19 year old guy. What's with that? Did those guys added a preference when they signed up? "tick" [Meet older women.] I suppose it's the in thing now with Justin and Cameron, Ashton and Demi setting an example.

I'm just gonna go back to bed before I bore people. I am obviously not articulate at this hour of the day :P

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