Hello! I've just read
Kat's post on how to add some Beng-factor into your blogs. Well... I think hers wasn't that successful, cos as Elaine noted, Kat can't disguise herself. So step back! And let the chameleon show you how it's done. Hehe!
Warning: Use di lu kah ki eh risk
1. When lu eh colleague asks lu to file document...
Beng-ism: "Lim peh ani hensem, mana eh sai do paperwork"
2. When lu eh taukeh asks lu to do the impossible[simi sai?](again)...
Beng-ism: "Lu siu limpeh si sin ah?"
3. When lu eh taukeh tak teok sai(stepped on poop ie. made mistake)...
Beng-ism: "Turns out lu eh best judgment boh kao lat. Limpeh tiam lu chi eh: next time, use limpeh wan"
4. When some siao lang been trying desperately to get lu eh attention...
Beng-ism: "You nge-nge lai, di-di lai, no use wan. Next time you want to get limpeh attention, wear something fun."
5. When lu eh colleague asks, "Lu si simi tai chi?"
Beng-ism: "Everyone knows limpeh simi tai lah. That lanjiao face simi tai is much more interesting."
But of course. I am not the true Beng. So any true Bengs out there, please do not hesitate to correct me :) I could be wrong. With all the trend evolving these days. Hehe! Anyway, here's the next section of my blog.
I dedicate this section to the cibai kia driving an Atos with number plate MBD 8***(I forgot the number, hehe!). That day, limpeh already signal and chup the parking already. You damn kaa si, never signal and wait there and take limpeh wan parking hor!! I horn you, you sommore act like you khua boh and park and walk away sommore. I remember your blue shirt, and your lampah face. Next time I see you, I will make sure you cannot see anything or I might "modify" your car for you. Kannineneh! Hope your lanjiao shrink and you grow a cibai!
Pardon the expletives. Hehe! Was really pissed :)
Ooh! Btw, I finally watched Initial D. Jay Chou's acting sucked, compared to all the others. Even those who may not look the part of the real characters. But at least they got more acting skills. Jay Chou kayu lah! Anyways, main point... I'm suddenly in love with those Ah Beng cars I saw on Initial D. If I can afford them... someday... I'll buy one and be the envy of all Ah Bengs who drive modified Wira, Satria, Iswara (no offense to Koon), old Nissan, old Toyota, old Honda... hehe! They look so fast and fun! And I'm not gonna be playing some thumping techno, I'll play Tchaikovsky or Strauss when I'm driving. Muahaha! Eat that!