Tuesday, October 10, 2006

그래요??? (Really???)

Yep… it probably is. When they said true love conquered all, it would prove to be true ever so often. Today, I turned on the new 동방신기 (Dong Bang Shin Ki) album and all of a sudden, I am able to love the songs. They don’t sound messed up to me anymore. All I had to do was to focus on their voices, listen to the tunes and feel what they were singing. In the beginning, I’ll have to admit that though I was excited to hear the album once I completed the download, I wasn’t listening with an open heart. Probably on that day, I was feeling hot or bothered. My mood really affects the way my mind and heart feels. So, feeling very “fan” on that day probably closed my heart to their voices. I couldn’t believe that I have criticized the album so badly. It isn’t bad at all, given it is not perfect (what is?). To those who aren’t fans, it may be horrible (Nyeh! :P to you!). You just have to prepare yourself to listen and accept it.

In the past, when I bought an album which turned out to be a disappointment, I’d tell myself to give it a chance. I will listen to the whole album and find a song that I like. Maybe I don’t love the whole song, there could be a song where maybe the guitar solo is the only nice thing, but that would be enough to give me a reason to love the song. So with “O” – 정.반.합., I am starting to view each song with a new perspective. Funny thing is it didn’t even feel forced. I was going to listen to only the 2 songs which I thought were worth listening to, and then I just let the player continue after I’ll Be There. Sure enough, when the next song played, I realized, “Hey, it doesn’t suck at all. It’s pretty good.” I call this ‘allowing yourself to see the silver lining’.

Thinking about this, I feel that this is exactly what a real relationship is like. When you love a person, there will be a time when you encounter something about him that you don’t feel you want to accept, you want to write it off and not ever have it be prevalent in your relationship. But when you are in the state of mind to view it with a new perspective, you may find that it isn’t as hard to accept, overlook or forgive as you originally thought it was. Then you will look the person and remind yourself of the good things and try to put that in your mind all the time.

Love conquers all when everything about the person is accepted and viewed in a positive light. Love becomes blind when faults eventually acceptable or even endearing. However, it will not be perfect every day, which is for sure. On the days you’re grumpy or pissed off; you will not have the patience and heart to be blind to everything. Those are the days you pick on every fault and you may even get annoyed with the sound of his voice, just as I did when I first heard the album. It just sounded like noise to me, until I put myself in the state of mind to listen.

So remember, after blowing off that person because you were not in the mood to deal with him, do something to remind both of you that what you have together is still good and will continue to be strong. When you feel you are in the mood, act on it, show your love, open your heart and mind to accept the imperfections (at least for a day, hehe!). God knows that we’re all not perfect, no matter how much we hope to be.

Recommendation: Read this entry with an extra sappy song. Makes the words sound so much more beautiful. This entry was inspired by just listening to my boys, 동방신기.

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