Friday, July 21, 2006
Quitted My Job... Yippie! Erm... Now What?
I spent lots of time, the night before, updating my resume on Jobstreet and JobsDB. I also realized that if you do not registerfor JobsDB in a particular country's database, you may not be searcheable by companies in that country. So that is what I did.
I have decided on my 2 main career choices to try next, Retail Merchandising (preferably to do with fashion) and IT Auditing. Next mission is to search all possible application opportunities for these and bombard them with my resume.
While doing all these, I am still praying very hard that I get picked to join SM Entertainment. I actually found that they do prefer to recruit teenagers and usually take 4-5 years to train them. It really bugs me now to think that they'd think I'm way past my prime to train as an artiste. I hope that I look young enough to them and that the fact that I am older will lead them to believe that I am willing to work harder to achieve this.
I also got to think of the dark side of the entertainment industry. Will I be able to cope with the constant emphasis on with whom do you have connections and how willing are you to sell your flesh (may not apply to every artiste)? I know not every female artiste has to suffer this. But what if? I think guys are really lucky. They'll never get taken advantage of, unless whoever who wants to take advantage of them is gay :P I suppose anyone who wants to do this has to be firm. If you have the talent, you should never stoop to that level. But if you make it your personal choice, I have nothing against it. If you have no talent, you should forget it and try some other career choice than to tarnish yourself like that. Yet again, some people will do anything to achieve fame and I think I am not such a person. I will only go so far. I will only do what is within my physical and mental abilities and not to mention my moral beliefs.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Mountain Tortoise Back From The City ~ Part 2
I was number 94, but was the 20th person to audition cos my application was messed up. They were suppose to line me up with the group of people who applied online but instead they put me with those who walked in. Thankfully, this kind 누나 let me join the first 20. We went in the room and had to line up in groups of 10 at a time, introduce ourselves and sing something. Everyone had to sing something. If you were auditioning to be a singer, then you'd have to sing longer, if not then you can sing a phrase. If you were auditioning to be a model, after singing, you have to take 3 steps to the front and strike 3 poses. No one auditioned for acting so I dunno what's the auditioning process for that. Those auditioning for dancing will get to dance after all 10 have introduced themselves, sung and get this... dance to a song provided by the organisers. It was a shock at first, to see 10 ppl dancing like mad. But the first 10 people were damned aggressive. Lots of them were vying for the spot which was front and center. In my group of 10, the people were a bit shy, so I had to take the chance to move forward.
To sum up the performances of those I auditioned with, some had the skill, but not the looks. Some didn't have both. Some had the package, particularly this cute and small girl. The judges seemed to pay lots of attention at her. They even ask her to come forward and push back her hair so that they can see her better. Do you think that's a sign that they may shortlist her? She sings fine and dances like Beyoncé. I have a feeling she will be chosen. Furthermore, she spoke a teensy bit of Korean. I think they may love her... Those who were auditioning to be models didn't do very well in my opinion. They did not strike 3 different poses. They were like... hand on right hip, look left... hand on left hip, look right... one cute and confused pose. To think one of them once participated in a bridal fair.
As for me, I have lots of regrets regarding my performance. I introduced myself fine, but I think I lacked conviction. I think I sang well. I chose Lately by Stevie Wonder and sang from the 2nd verse right up to the chorus. When I stopped, one of the judges said that it was his favourite song. Bingo! ;) But I sort of regret I didn't ask if I could sing a Korean song. Then I may have impressed them further. Although I did not write it when filling up the application at the audition (though I did online), I said I was there to audition for Dance and Modelling. That way, I think I'd get more "air time". I think I struck 3 different and strong poses. In the words of the great Tyra Banks, you have to be like "Bam!... Bam!... Bam!". Firm and strong poses. When it came to dancing, there was a screw up again. Apparently the girl at the registration counter didn't know I was in the first group, so she did not pass my CD to the fella manning the radio. There was a moment of confusion, me trying to explain what happened to the judges and the judges thinking that I'd left my CD outside and finally ending with the judges requesting that I dance to their song, which I a little grudgingly agreed to (Note: Not the right attitude for an audition). Just when I agreed, I suddenly sighted KangTa & Vanness' album, Scandal, on the judging table. Coincidence being that I had intended to dance to Good Vibration, from their album. The judges seemed pretty happy that this was my song choice. When I dance, and thank god it was quite smooth, the judges seemed entertained.
So what are my chances of going to Korea to become a superstar? We'll know in 3 weeks when they notify those who are chosen. Let's hope there isn't a 2nd audition, but to be safe, I am preparing for it. Even if I get chosen, maybe I'll end up a backup dancer for BoA or Dana... Boo hoo hoo... But still, if I get chosen, I finally get to do something I've always wanted to do in my life and believe me, I will be working my way to the top.
Thanks a lot to Kat, Elaine and Koon who were there with me at the audition. Your support meant a lot to me. If I do get to be a Korean superstar, you'll be able to brag about me, isn't that great? Hehe! To my baby sister, thank you for calling and telling me that I can do it. After this audition, I really felt that I can do it. If I do fail this time, SM Entertainment, you will be seeing me at your next audition call.
Most of all, thank you to Geoffrey. You piss me off, you make me cry, you frustrate me but you are still the best boyfriend in the world because you love me, take care of me, support me and believe in my abilites. I love you...
Mountain Tortoise Back From The City ~ Part 1

Wow!!! The concert was beautiful. I am sure many a fan cried tears of joy when 東方神起 appeared on the stage cos there were fans who also cried when the concert ended. Overall it was a great concert except for the beginning when the sound ppl screwed up the background music. The chorus was playing where it shouldn't be and so forth. The set was elaborate and probably damn expensive. I heard that it cost more than a million.

The other highlight of the concert was the appearance of Super Junior. Previously, I have only seen 1 MV and heard 1 song from them. So I didn't know how good they were, they're quite the entertainers; cute or even fierce when necessary. With 12 members, it was so hard to tell one from the other but it doesn't matter, they're great as a team. So I shall say Super Junior, 파이팅! You will achieve greatness someday!
Friday, July 14, 2006
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
좋아! 이틀!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
좋아! 사흘!

Monday, July 10, 2006
제 東方神起 콘서트 표!!!!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
I have just finished watching 1 and half of the DVDs from All About 東方神起. As I watch the DVD, I am beginning to see them as human, men and not just the pop idols they are. They seem to have insecurities and they are sensitive, playful, adorable and oh-so endearing. I have to address this to 재중, if he ever reads this.
재중 seems to always portray a lack of confidence when asked about who is better looking or when asked to compare himself to the other members. I would give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he is either shy, modest or utterly unaware of how attractive he is. He does not have conventional good looks, but there is not doubt that he IS good looking. No one can ever say he is ugly. What's more, when he sings, he really blows people away. I never expected him to have such a voice, when singing or when speaking. He sure doesn't squeak like David Beckham :P He has an aura about him that makes him attractive, mysterious and a distinct individual. I have only 1 word to describe him... beautiful ;)
After watching the DVD I saw that 윤호 was not only funny and sweet, playful and adorable, he was also a leader. He acts like a leader, take his role as the leader very seriously and he is righteous and protective towards those who come under his care. He provides moral support to his team members and he is there to push, guide and cheer them up as they do for him too. If this is the real 윤호 I am seeing in the DVD, then I really, really want to meet him in person.
By the way, is this the trait of Korean men? To be sensitive and not afraid to cry. To want to have get married and have children. Every member said that in 20 years time, they want to be married and have children. Majority said that the eyes are what draws them to a person. 윤호 wanted a girl who is smart and is respectful parents. They seem so traditional and romantic. Are these the stereotypes of Korean men? The beautiful idea of the perfect man? Cos it sounds very much like a Korean drama.
I wonder... is there such thing as a sceptical fan. I believe I am such a fan... :P I hate dreaming so much like a fan should. I just feel that it would lead to a huge disappointment in the end. However, though I know that disappointment will come, as usual, I will hang on to the thought of my fantasies of a beautiful life... :)
Saturday, July 01, 2006
You will want to cry your heart out with this song. It sounds so painful and sad...
You can download it at
But I would always recommend that you buy the album if you can get your hands on it. But I dunno if the whole album is as nice as this song. Hmm...
YunHo and JaeJoong... ( 윤호 그리고 재중...)
Let's talk about my 2 favourite eye candies... YunHo and JaeJoong. While YunHo is actually the leader, JaeJoong was more of the lead singer in the first album. Though JaeJoong still is the strongest singer, these days, YunHo gets to sing more than his 2 lines back then.
YunHo is undoubtedly the best dancer. He's a regular on Korean variety shows and always involved in dance battles. But... JaeJoong has a real killer body. Still... I prefer YunHo. He's manlier.
Fine... I know this photo does not prove anything, but if you watch the MVs, you can see the difference. But seriously, JaeJoong has beautiful hair. So beautiful, I'm going to get his haircut. I'm sounding more and more like a groupie by the minute. Hehe! For what it's worth, they're only 20, my sister's age. Waaaa!!! I ain't no pedophile!!! I really do admire their singing and dance moves. I wanna learn those moves. How do they come up with it? Why are they so good? I'm getting more and more obsessed. Hopefully the fever will die down after I've seen them live. So, for now until 14-Jul, I shall remain in a state of obsessive-frenzy. Is that a possible feeling? Hmm... JaeJoong!!! YunHo!!! Why must you be children?
Ok... continue expressing my obsession another day. More photos available at their official website...
I'm gonna go brush up my Korean in case I get my chance to speak a full sentence to them.
감사함니다 to Kat & Elaine for coming with me to share this beautiful, once in a lifetime experience!!!