I finally share a common lifestyle with my peers. Wake up, go to work, come home, go to sleep. Those who manage to go out and lim teh or visit their other half or bake a cake and play with their kids before sleeping... RESPECT.
I try to fit in some chatting and if possible, blogging, before I sleep. Can't even find the time to fill up a job application for another company before I go to sleep. Sommore... tomorrow night, I have a dinner to attend. This is too much for me. Can I just get married, have kids and stay home? :D
I never like to work late. Who does? Workaholics? If I get in the zone then I'll work and work. For now, I can only think of 6pm and dinner everyday. I don't want to have my life revolve around my work like my colleagues. Therefore, I am determined to change my job within this 3 months. Help!!!! Get me out of there!!! My colleagues work like there is no tomorrow. I wonder how their children feel. Most of them are women. And for now, I'd say all of them in my department are women. How would a little girl feel if every night, her mom only came home on time to kiss them good night. But then again, these days, kids probably sleep at 1am even on a school night. That's why some of them look liek they are malnourished and never seem to grow upwards or sideways.
There is so much to do and so much to grasp. I wonder how do they finally know about everything they're doing. They can name everything under their care without batting an eyelash. I believe that I will never be able to reach that level. I feel like a complete ditz. I make mistakes every damn day. It may seem nasty, but I hope the other new girl isn't progressing faster than me. Cos people expect more from me cos I've worked in this company before. So if she progresses faster, it'll really reflect badly on me. Then again, it's sometimes easier to learn when you're really fresh and new cos you don't have any old stubborn work habits from the past. Aight?
Me wants to sleep now. All those out there who get to sleep after 11pm. So happy for you... :(
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Kinda always knew you'd end-up my ex-boyfriend...
Ex-bfs suck. Suck, suck, suck... 'cept you Felancy. You didn't suck that much. You're actually tolerable now. Though you're still a pain 50% of the time. One thing I've just realised about guys. They smile and talk to you when actually they hate you or have no intention of being friends. Yep! I am now in a situation which people call having "shit where I eat". How did that happen? I dunno... if I knew, it wouldn't have happened.
I now work in the same company as an ex-bf of mine, with whom I had a not too pleasant breakup. Used to work with him in the same dept during training. On my last day of training, he smiled and waved goodbye. Awww... but soon after, each time he says 'hi' to me, I feel kinda uncomfortable and sometimes annoyed. I started to ignore him and eventually did not talk to him for over a year. I thought when we broke up, we could be friends but realised I wasn't ready for that. So now that we have to work in the same company, I thought I'd be nice and acknowledge him and try to be a bit friendly. Yes, he replies when spoken to, but he did not reply any of my friendly emails asking about how he has been. Wassup with that? He said he was too busy. Busy my foot. I bet he forwarded lots of junkmail and replied some nonsense message from a friend today. So I don't buy the excuse of being too busy to reply me. If you are still pissed and can't forgive me, say so dammit!
I mean, my breakup with Felancy wasn't lovely either, I practically did the same thing to him (not talking for a year over) but we can meet up and talk like civilised humans. So wassup with this Shithead? What pisses me off is, he'd talk to this other guy colleague, whom he once told me had betrayed him, and he can't talk to me. For all I know, he actually hates this fella and yet he'd have friendly conversations with him but not me. He's practically running away from me. So what am I gonna do? From now on, we will only have a professional relationship. I will only talk to him about work related stuff. I will not ask him how he's feeling or give a shit if I dump truckloads of work on him. I will no longer feel sorry for him. To think I actually agonised over how to approach him cos I wanted to make peace. So much for peace. Men can be such bitches!! Even a guy colleague of mine commented that Shithead here is not being sporting or gentlemanly. So there! I'm better off now. Eat my dust! :P
P.S. My work still sucks...
Ex-bfs suck. Suck, suck, suck... 'cept you Felancy. You didn't suck that much. You're actually tolerable now. Though you're still a pain 50% of the time. One thing I've just realised about guys. They smile and talk to you when actually they hate you or have no intention of being friends. Yep! I am now in a situation which people call having "shit where I eat". How did that happen? I dunno... if I knew, it wouldn't have happened.
I now work in the same company as an ex-bf of mine, with whom I had a not too pleasant breakup. Used to work with him in the same dept during training. On my last day of training, he smiled and waved goodbye. Awww... but soon after, each time he says 'hi' to me, I feel kinda uncomfortable and sometimes annoyed. I started to ignore him and eventually did not talk to him for over a year. I thought when we broke up, we could be friends but realised I wasn't ready for that. So now that we have to work in the same company, I thought I'd be nice and acknowledge him and try to be a bit friendly. Yes, he replies when spoken to, but he did not reply any of my friendly emails asking about how he has been. Wassup with that? He said he was too busy. Busy my foot. I bet he forwarded lots of junkmail and replied some nonsense message from a friend today. So I don't buy the excuse of being too busy to reply me. If you are still pissed and can't forgive me, say so dammit!
I mean, my breakup with Felancy wasn't lovely either, I practically did the same thing to him (not talking for a year over) but we can meet up and talk like civilised humans. So wassup with this Shithead? What pisses me off is, he'd talk to this other guy colleague, whom he once told me had betrayed him, and he can't talk to me. For all I know, he actually hates this fella and yet he'd have friendly conversations with him but not me. He's practically running away from me. So what am I gonna do? From now on, we will only have a professional relationship. I will only talk to him about work related stuff. I will not ask him how he's feeling or give a shit if I dump truckloads of work on him. I will no longer feel sorry for him. To think I actually agonised over how to approach him cos I wanted to make peace. So much for peace. Men can be such bitches!! Even a guy colleague of mine commented that Shithead here is not being sporting or gentlemanly. So there! I'm better off now. Eat my dust! :P
P.S. My work still sucks...
Monday, September 19, 2005
I knew it'd suck, but didn't know that it'd suck so bad...
Yes... First day of work sucked. I shouldn't even use the word 'work'. Cos I did nothing of the sort today.
8am to 9.30am: Waiting for instructions from HR lady.
9.30am to 12pm: Waited at clinic for medical checkup.
1.30pm to 2pm: More waiting...
2pm to 3pm: More waiting...
3pm to 6pm: HR lady gives us briefing on company policy and employess benefits and all the blah stuff. In between she runs off for 20 mins intervals.
The only time I had fun was going for lunch with mein Mann and visiting my friend Chikin at the MIS dept. I know I'm a pain, Chikin. But at least I'm not such a pain to look at ;) You said so yourself!! :)
The bad news is that I HAVE to attend the stupid training. But at least this time there is a girl to accompany me. Plus! She appreciates my jokes. A rarity among humans. Hehe! Meanwhile, I'm beginning to get vibes that the Material Manager hates me. I felt really hot and I was sweating (so the heat wasn't my imagination). I took off my jacket and he caught a glimpse of my bareback. It wasn't even halfway down, just a third of my back. He called the HR lady to tell her to warn me or something. Ouch! Tell me yourself lah, MISTER!!! :P Nasty people!
Btw, I also suspect that they didn't really want to hire me cos I didn't promise to move to the new plant located in Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas (PTP), some ulu area in Johor. Johor is evil, dangerous... sin city. My family doesn't like the idea. So I'll probably be expecting nasty treatment during my 3 months there. I DON'T WANT TO WORK THERE!!!! GET ME OUT!!! *sobs*
8am to 9.30am: Waiting for instructions from HR lady.
9.30am to 12pm: Waited at clinic for medical checkup.
1.30pm to 2pm: More waiting...
2pm to 3pm: More waiting...
3pm to 6pm: HR lady gives us briefing on company policy and employess benefits and all the blah stuff. In between she runs off for 20 mins intervals.
The only time I had fun was going for lunch with mein Mann and visiting my friend Chikin at the MIS dept. I know I'm a pain, Chikin. But at least I'm not such a pain to look at ;) You said so yourself!! :)
The bad news is that I HAVE to attend the stupid training. But at least this time there is a girl to accompany me. Plus! She appreciates my jokes. A rarity among humans. Hehe! Meanwhile, I'm beginning to get vibes that the Material Manager hates me. I felt really hot and I was sweating (so the heat wasn't my imagination). I took off my jacket and he caught a glimpse of my bareback. It wasn't even halfway down, just a third of my back. He called the HR lady to tell her to warn me or something. Ouch! Tell me yourself lah, MISTER!!! :P Nasty people!
Btw, I also suspect that they didn't really want to hire me cos I didn't promise to move to the new plant located in Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas (PTP), some ulu area in Johor. Johor is evil, dangerous... sin city. My family doesn't like the idea. So I'll probably be expecting nasty treatment during my 3 months there. I DON'T WANT TO WORK THERE!!!! GET ME OUT!!! *sobs*
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Off to the slaughterhouse...
I am finally joining the workforce... On Monday, 19th September, 2005, I shall no longer be jobless, useless, meaningless and whatever -less that comes with not having a job. I should be happy, right? But I'm less than ecstatic. Here are a few reasons:
1. Don't like the company
I think this is the stingiest of companies and they have the lousiest of employee benefits and don't let me get started on the rules they impose on us. It's like a factory cum school. I may have to attend some 4-day training before I officially start work. I'm gonna request for an exemption. I took the training last year!!!
2. Don't like the people (Part I)
The "higher" superiors are very condescending, sarcastic and just plain unpleasant to people whom they don't particularly like. Yes, you'll say that most superiors are like that, some worse. But this company has a majority of superiors of this breed. Wassup with that? Hire happy people, will ya? :P
3. Don't like the people (Part II)
There are perverts, bums, bitches, gossips, snides... all sorts of bad character you can think of. People will talk behind your back, a lot, and some even have "golden fingers". To those who don't know Chinese, it means back-stabbers. Just can't stand people like that. If you are capable, you don't need to make sure anyone you can stab in the back gets a good stabbing. Just do your job and get on with life. And there are people who always look like they have nothing to do. You often wonder what they're hired for. They're certainly going to gossip about me a lot, since I've worked there like twice. Temp-ed there before MMU and internship there during MMU.
4. Low pay
Soooo low pay. I can get better elsewhere. Just that elsewhere has no vacancies. So I am waiting, waiting and waiting. As soon as there is an opening, I am jumping off this train to the shithole.
5. The job is gonna be hell
Many people left recently (get my point about the company being sucky?), so when I get in, I'll be covering the work of many of these people. I just hope I don't need to work overtime cos I don't think I am getting paid for it. What's more, what do I know? I'll be a newbie at everything. I just hope they have the sense not to give me more than I can handle. In the meantime, I have to remind myself, "You are paid to do this job, so do it!!" But that doesn't mean I'm gonna do stuff that people push to be when it's their job. These people better grow that part of the brain right. I am not tolerating this kinda bullying I've had enough of it the last time round.
So meanwhile, I'm wondering: What will I wear tomorrow? Do I look fat? Are people going to talk about my getting fatter? What will I wear tomorrow? What's for breakfast tomorrow? Will I be able to wake up tomorrow? What shall I buy with my first month's salary? Epilator? What will I wear tomorrow?
Anyone care to provide some answers?
P.S. I was hired on the same day they interviewed me. Hired on contract basis, renewable every 3 months, cos I refuse to promise to go to Johor with them :P
1. Don't like the company
I think this is the stingiest of companies and they have the lousiest of employee benefits and don't let me get started on the rules they impose on us. It's like a factory cum school. I may have to attend some 4-day training before I officially start work. I'm gonna request for an exemption. I took the training last year!!!
2. Don't like the people (Part I)
The "higher" superiors are very condescending, sarcastic and just plain unpleasant to people whom they don't particularly like. Yes, you'll say that most superiors are like that, some worse. But this company has a majority of superiors of this breed. Wassup with that? Hire happy people, will ya? :P
3. Don't like the people (Part II)
There are perverts, bums, bitches, gossips, snides... all sorts of bad character you can think of. People will talk behind your back, a lot, and some even have "golden fingers". To those who don't know Chinese, it means back-stabbers. Just can't stand people like that. If you are capable, you don't need to make sure anyone you can stab in the back gets a good stabbing. Just do your job and get on with life. And there are people who always look like they have nothing to do. You often wonder what they're hired for. They're certainly going to gossip about me a lot, since I've worked there like twice. Temp-ed there before MMU and internship there during MMU.
4. Low pay
Soooo low pay. I can get better elsewhere. Just that elsewhere has no vacancies. So I am waiting, waiting and waiting. As soon as there is an opening, I am jumping off this train to the shithole.
5. The job is gonna be hell
Many people left recently (get my point about the company being sucky?), so when I get in, I'll be covering the work of many of these people. I just hope I don't need to work overtime cos I don't think I am getting paid for it. What's more, what do I know? I'll be a newbie at everything. I just hope they have the sense not to give me more than I can handle. In the meantime, I have to remind myself, "You are paid to do this job, so do it!!" But that doesn't mean I'm gonna do stuff that people push to be when it's their job. These people better grow that part of the brain right. I am not tolerating this kinda bullying I've had enough of it the last time round.
So meanwhile, I'm wondering: What will I wear tomorrow? Do I look fat? Are people going to talk about my getting fatter? What will I wear tomorrow? What's for breakfast tomorrow? Will I be able to wake up tomorrow? What shall I buy with my first month's salary? Epilator? What will I wear tomorrow?
Anyone care to provide some answers?
P.S. I was hired on the same day they interviewed me. Hired on contract basis, renewable every 3 months, cos I refuse to promise to go to Johor with them :P
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Okay... nothing much to write about. Just want to complain about the good fortune of others.

Do you think that if I had bigger boobs, I'd be a winner like Jamie Pang? I ask you... what is so darn special about her that she can have a winning streak like that. First that Cleo magazine model search thingie, then Miss MMU 2004 and now, Miss Malaysia-Earth 2005. Come to think of it, her face kinda reminds me of my friend, greybunny. The only difference is that her boobs have to be substantially bigger. I've never seen a flat-chested beauty queen. So if I had bigger boobs, would I have a shot at winning? Haha!
Not to mention, the nasty things I hear about Jamie. "Jamie is a diva, doesn't attend rehearsals. Jamie is snobbish." Bla bla bla... If a person has such bad character, why are they having such good fortune?? I mean, is it because I'm not bad and not good so I never get anything. Do I have to be a nasty bitch (with substantial cleavage) in order for the world to worship me? And why is it that the world never sees a person for who they really are. Whether nasty bitch or nice, intelligent girl. By the way, Miss Earth's cause is environmental preservation. You know, forests, animals, pollution problem, the whole Earth. I would bet that Jamie doesn't know anything or possible even cares about environmental preservation. Who's with me?!!
Having said all that, any comment? Am I a nasty bitch too? Maybe it doesn't work for me. You have to be born with a sweet face to be able to become a successful nasty bitch. If you look so-so, you'll have nothing much to gain. Innit so?

Do you think that if I had bigger boobs, I'd be a winner like Jamie Pang? I ask you... what is so darn special about her that she can have a winning streak like that. First that Cleo magazine model search thingie, then Miss MMU 2004 and now, Miss Malaysia-Earth 2005. Come to think of it, her face kinda reminds me of my friend, greybunny. The only difference is that her boobs have to be substantially bigger. I've never seen a flat-chested beauty queen. So if I had bigger boobs, would I have a shot at winning? Haha!
Not to mention, the nasty things I hear about Jamie. "Jamie is a diva, doesn't attend rehearsals. Jamie is snobbish." Bla bla bla... If a person has such bad character, why are they having such good fortune?? I mean, is it because I'm not bad and not good so I never get anything. Do I have to be a nasty bitch (with substantial cleavage) in order for the world to worship me? And why is it that the world never sees a person for who they really are. Whether nasty bitch or nice, intelligent girl. By the way, Miss Earth's cause is environmental preservation. You know, forests, animals, pollution problem, the whole Earth. I would bet that Jamie doesn't know anything or possible even cares about environmental preservation. Who's with me?!!
Having said all that, any comment? Am I a nasty bitch too? Maybe it doesn't work for me. You have to be born with a sweet face to be able to become a successful nasty bitch. If you look so-so, you'll have nothing much to gain. Innit so?
Monday, September 05, 2005
Jitter, jitter, jitters...
Me has got an interview on Wednesday. I even know the fella interviewing me. Shy lah! And I'm hoping I get a position with another company rather than this. I've been in this company like twice already. Hmm... Are people gonna welcome me with open arms? :( Sad...
But anyway now, enjoy my new clothes. I bought this outfit from the new shop that replaced World of Cartoon in MP. Hehe!

Bottom, S&K: RM79 (20% off)
Total: RM 101.90 (Ouch!!!)
But anyway now, enjoy my new clothes. I bought this outfit from the new shop that replaced World of Cartoon in MP. Hehe!

Top, ebase: RM43.00 (10% off)
Bottom, S&K: RM79 (20% off)
Total: RM 101.90 (Ouch!!!)
Nice? :P
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