So... what else did I do since I last blogged? Let's list them out since I'm in the mood for a quickie today. I'll try my best to get them in chronological order. It totally depends on the order from which my brain recalls them.
1. I bought a new shirt and another pair of 3-quarter pants!!
Too lazy to post a pic. You can see it at Giordano. I think it's the latest khaki range or something. And it's white. I feel like I am comitting some kind of suicide by buying white. I'll probably destroy it on the first wear, bleed on it or pour sauce on it, and I can never wear it again :P The shirt was pretty low cut. Didn't think it was when I tried it. Must be the bra. When I went to work, ppl were like gawking, so I had to keep my jacket on the entire day.
2. I visited the Apex pharmacy at least once last two weekends
I had to stock up on my gastric medicine myself since I have no space in my schedule to visit the doctor again. He may wanna scope me, so I ain't taking any chances.
3. I cut my hair really short!!!
Okay... deep breaths everyone... I didn't shave my head. I think I used to have short hair back in Alpha... so this is almost like it.. just a little longer. I am still figuring out how I am gonna dye it and make an impact at the same time.
4. I shouted at my leader
Yes.. I sorta yelled at a superior cos she was like a monkey on my back. She was a bit miffed. I apologised. But every single day at work, I really wanna yell at ppl who piss me off. I grumble a lot at work, loudly. But not about my boss, more about supplier and ppl from other departments. Ppl seem to think badly of me because I complain a lot. Lately, during departmental meetings, I got really vocal. Anytime they ask for input, I will be the first to raise my hand. Yes, I'm a disgruntled employee and I will state my case when given the chance. Only issue I am still not speaking up is that I am damn unhappy with my pay.
5. I had my pre-evaluation/review talk
My manager and the leader I yelled at had a talk with me after work (after I yelled at the leader) about the pros and cons of moi. I can saw that overall they are pleased with my capabilities but not entirely loving my attitude. Who gives a flying fish?? All I can say is that they know what I can do and what I can do is better than most and could be better than the rest of the freshies and they just don't wanna state it in case I get more big headed than I already am ;) One thing they picked on which pissed me to the max was something about walking around and chatting with others. Ever since I was sick and came back to work, I rarely do that. I only do it about once or twice a day and at short intervals and a lot are work related. So wassup with that? They said ppl from other dept would think that we had nothing better to do or we're nto doing our job. What the.... Since I went back to work, I had this idea in my mind: If I just did my work in silence and sit there the whole day, no one will think that I am not doing my work. I did that, and they're saying that I do the opposite. If there is gonna be another talk, I will mention this. I'm getting angry now just thinking about it. I happen to be a happy and active person, if they think that reflects me as a person who is not serious with her work, fine... someday, you will regret you ever suppressed me :P
6. I went to work on a Saturday
It was totally against my principles, but I had to. Had a report due on Monday. I also worked OT on Friday night. Thinking about it. I find that my manager is becoming more and more unreasonable. I find talking to her gut-wrenching. It really hurts. I need her advise and she'd give it to me, with a hint of what I feel is unneccesary information. I'd say... "I'm running out of time.. should I do A first, or B first." She'd say "I'd say A, but in the first place, today is not the day to be doing A" Excuse me, I don't need you to tell my that. If the circumstances didn't cause me to not finish A first, I wouldn't have to ask you this question. Why does she have to be such a cow?? Same to my leader. Cows!!! Sheepish cows!! I think sheepish cows are a good name for them. They're sheepish cos they are afraid of the bosses above, they all do the same thing, have the same attitude. And they are such cows. Sheepish cows!!!
7. I danced like my ass was on fire??!!
Went to Pure after the company's lame annual dinner yesterday night. My colleague brought us upstairs where it's Trance or maybe just dance music. I couldn't adapt at first. For the whole night, at some point, I always felt that it was hard to get into the music. Not enough expression in the music. I think I prefer R&B. But it's true that the mix of music they play downstairs are sometimes really "undanceable". So I just did my best... jumping, shaking, flinging my new short hair all over the place, moving in every way possible. People (including my colleagues) were looking at me. Some were a bit shocked. I kinda wonder if they think I am a good dancer, or I'm just one crazy bitch. But some of my colleagues joined me in my 2 hour long act of insanity. So I think I did pretty good. All I had was a sip of beer and 4 glasses of water. I went to the loo a lot. My compliments to Pure: Finally... a clean toilet with toilet paper!! Word up!! ;)
P.S. I wore flats for the first time. My legs did not get tired like they would if I wore heels and I felt more balanced, but it always feels and looks much sexier to dance on heels. Don't you think? I got to jump around and I think I overdid it cos my knees ached this morning. Hehe! People stepped on my nice white shoe with blue flowers. The whites are fine, but I can't clean the flower cos they're suede!!! I still can't decide... flats or heels?
7. It's good to be the me these days
At Pure, I ran into some ppl I knew long ago. Seniors, my neighbours clique and some friends from long ago. Some of these people didn't even recognise me and I think when they did, they were thinking... this girl was such a geek back then. And now... they're actually wanting to know my name cos I am not the same person anymore. This could be the only time I ever meet them and say hi. I know they are not people I will hang out with and I don't care about them. But it sure feels good to know that people view me differently these days ;)
So much for a quickie... hehe!
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