Friday, December 09, 2005


Why do I feel like the most unloved and unappreciated person on the entire bloody Earth? I have a hunch that I am destined to spend this birthday unloved and ignored.

It all started from the fact that I can't handle the bitch in my house. Pardon me for being human. I can only do so much while people who rant and rave about me being a beast for complaining and the afore-mentioned people don't even care to take over my duties when they come back for their holidays. Now they're telling me that they'd give up everything if they could, so that they can be with the bitch and pamper her until she dies.

I cried for like half and hour last night. I felt so sorry I couldn't take better care of her. I felt sorry that I can't find someone good enough to take her in so that she doesn't have to suffer the life she has with me now, tied up for almost 12 hours each time. I cried for my fear of all the creepy crawlies that I had to pluck off her, even though I was do damn afraid of them. I am so afraid the creepies are gonna breed all around the house and make it a parasite haven. I cried for all the work I have to dig through the office just to be able to come home and bathe her to get rid of those nasty bugs. And now, I am being accused of wanting to send her to the SPCA to be put to sleep. I NEVER SAID THAT!! I wouldn't be crying if I'd thought of that as a solution. She is spoiled and pampered, she makes me late for work every morning, she destroys stuff around the house.

I am only human to feel stressed and worn out from taking care of her. If someone really loves her that much, I am looking forward to see that display of affection when she comes back. She is not my ONLY responsibility. I have so much more to do besides taking care of her. DOESN'T ANYONE REALISE THAT???!!!


Anonymous said...

relax,girl.. breathe in.. breathe out..
Itz not easy to take care of some1 and be accused otherwise by persons who dont know wat itz like.

Use long forceps or tweezers to pluck her ticks out. If u cant bear squishing them in paper, then get a little cup and fillup with tickcide then dip tweezer+bug into it.

Anonymous said...

relax,girl.. breathe in.. breathe out..
Itz not easy to take care of some1 and be accused otherwise by persons who dont know wat itz like.

Use long forceps or tweezers to pluck her ticks out. If u cant bear squishing them in paper, then get a little cup and fillup with tickcide then dip tweezer+bug into it.