Yep... that is my 'hip', as Koreans prefer to refer to it as... sounds more polite. I took this picture, cos I think that I could challenge Jun Su's bubble butt. As soon as I find a pic of his, I'll put them side by side for you to compare. Someone wanna find it for me? ^_^
Now... the other part of the reason I posted. If you've read this... you've been tagged!!! Yeahahaha! I'm starting a blog tag of my own. If you have been tagged, you have to take a pic of your S-Line (don't care if it exists or not), and post it on your blog. After that, add a comment here with the link!!! If you're too shy to put it on your blog, just leave the link of the uploaded pic in my comments section. Not the tagboard! ^_^ And make sure you tag another 3 people. Here are the lucky 5 I've selected. No repeats yea...
Felicia aka echantsy
Hoi San aka swtstar
Danita aka LunarGaze
Jia Yoong aka secretbear
Kat aka kathlyno
You can do it anyway you want... as long as we can see your S-Line... GO!!!
Well, i've done it ^_^
Click Here
Yay!!! You're the best, Danita!!!
done and uve seen but here
I did it..
here's the link
hope that works...oO
if not just go to my blog site
sorry piggie...will let u know once i put up pic of my ever-expanding booty
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