I was in KL for New Year's Eve and I succumbed to one of women's worst vices... shopping. I spent an obscene, absolutely profane amount of money on clothes, which were justified by weak excuse that Chinese New Year was approaching, I needed 15 days worth of outfits. Hehe! So... seriously... if anyone sees me trying to buy a piece of clothing, other than 1 beautiful dress (which I failed to spot in KL) and reasonable amounts of underwear, clob me with the most convenient weapon you can find. I think I have clothes to last me the rest of the year... until the next Great Singapore Sale or year-end Mega Sale or Christmas Sale. OK??!!!
I was so mortified that I couldn't even bear taking pictures of my loot in case I hyperventilated and collapsed from the overwhelming realization that I had blown half of my salary (which includes my annual bonus for this year) on clothes... and I didn't buy CK or Dior or Chanel. Closest I got to branded was Zara and the Zara top costs less than most of the other tops I bought. This pretty much proves that I'm a shopaholic. I had a budget in mind and I totally exceeded it.
I saw this documentary about shopaholics the other day. It turned out that being a shopaholic was almost like being an alcoholic or being obsessive-compulsive. They are all compulsive behaviour that are mostly caused by stress. Therefore, it turns out that you can be cured of being a shopaholic with a prescription of mild anti-depressants or anything from the Prozac family. Hehe! I think I need some. This independent income thing is becoming a major power trip and I need to pull the reins in now! Or I'll end up penniless and homeless, selling my loot by the pavement along the Melaka river.
When I manage to muster some courage, I'll publish some pictures of my obscene shopping. *cackles*