Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I Like to FAN GIRL...

I found 2 adorable vids about their new album and the works...

Jae Joong was NOT as thin as I thought he was. He looked kinda small in the actual MV... but here in the making... I could really see his muscles... it's just the way I'd always liked it... yummy!!! He's not painfully thin anymore... YAY!!!


Mz said...

honestly junsu's hair makes him look like a mushroom.. =P no no, me no likey their hair this time.. =(

yummy abs tho..... *slurp* =P

n i like the part "wonder if they'll catch the witch walking at that speed.."


Pretty Piggie said...

You mean Jae Joong? Jun Su's hair is more punk than mushroom leh... :P

Chocolate abs... hehehe!