Thursday, April 27, 2006

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Everybody... say this with me... U-T-I!!!

"Urinary tract infections (UTIs) account for about 8.3 million doctor visits each year. Women are especially prone to UTIs for reasons that are not yet well understood. One woman in five develops a UTI during her lifetime. UTIs in men are not as common as in women but can be very serious when they do occur."


I am now the one among the five now. So no matter how busy you are, remember to take a trip to the loo. Not only did I get UTI, I got constipation which lead to a horrible muscle ache that lasted until yesterday night. Today, I am finally feeling better. All hail painkillers and laxatives! The doctor also said that the muscle ache could be caused by sitting in a bad posture for long hours. He also concluded that I probably had a lousy office chair which did not provide lumbar support. So if you think you chair sucks, bring it up to your management or you may end up like me. I'va taken 3 sick days this week because of all this hullaballoo...

I'm not going to blab about this anymore. Just want everyone to know that their job is not worth sacrificing their bladder, kidneys, intestines, back... mind. So no matter how busy you are take a trip to the loo, sashay around the department for some much needed exercise and remember to gossip and yak with your colleagues to keep your wits about.


Anonymous said...

i despisseee UTIs.. once u get it, prolly b a victim of reoccurances. Cranberry juice is supposed to be good. I get so freaked out everytime i get tht burning muscle spasm feeling.. eerrghgh.

Mz said...

har, andrea, u have UTI too? my mum has it, n sometimes it gets so serious that she just wraps all the towels on her bottom n tries to go to sleep. when it starts to hurt badly, cranberry juice doesn't work already. i know how my mum suffers from UTI, equip urselves with cranberry tablets, at least.. even tho they don't work as well as the juice.